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song: Timber👆

~The most painful memory I have is of when I walked away and you let me leave~

"What is wrong with this house? What is your room lacking?" My dad argued for the thousandth time that morning.
He was against me moving out of the house but gladly helped my siblings transport their facilities to the dorms.

"Nothing. I just want that sense of independence, that's all."

"Do you mean to tell me that you're not free in this house?"

"That's not what I meant dad. I just want a change of environment. I mean, I've been leaving with you guys for twenty years of my life."

"I don't support your decision."

"And it's okay for Severina and Asher to do the same? That's unfair you know."

"It's not about unfairness Seraphina. It's more about your safety." He pressed.

"What about it?"

"Your life had been at risk twice and it's always in my absence. God forbid, but who knows what might come next."

"I've been on your issue all these days, trying to find top security to protect you. I hate to break it to you but there's a high possibility of someone being on your trail." He continued in a low tone.

Yeah right. Leave it to my Dad to make a situation ten times worse than it actually is.

"You're being delusional dad, no one is after me okay. If anything, your life is more at risk. You're the business tycoon here not me." I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

Do you even believe yourself? Shut up.

"It's just an assumption. I care about all of you Seraphina, and it'll kill me if anything happens to any of  you." I jumped off the counter and hugged him. Our dad might not be around most of the time, but the way he stresses over us is enough proof that he prioritized us over everything.

"I promise I'll be careful dad. I'm certain these are just coincidence, but I'll be careful nonetheless."

I pulled away and stared at his concerned-filled eyes, which were scanning my face for traces of doubt.

"But is that the case with Maya?"

Maya, not this again. I made it very clear that I don't want to be reminded of that day. Now here he is, using it as leverage against me moving out.

"Just be careful sweetheart, okay?"

"Sure dad. Bye, I love you. Forever and always." I hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go. He kissed my forehead and reluctantly pulled away.

"Love you too sweetheart and call me when you settle."

"Okay dad, bye." I waved at him one more time before heading out to my car. My bags were already packed in the trunk, thanks to Stella and David.

NYU, here I come.
"Girl, did you pack your entire house?" Miskha groaned, still struggling with the last box. Upon my arrival, the girls were thrilled and Miskha personally offered to help me unpack. Why was she being a grumpy ass then?

"You're just dramatic. It's not even that heavy." Sophia rolled her eyes. Miskha's mouth hung open and she placed a hand over her chest, feigning hurt.

"Okay then, since it's not heavy, why not you carry it instead? Let's see you beat my 'alleged' useless ass." She challenged, placing a hand on her propped hip.

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