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~If your brain hasn't abandoned you in an Examination hall then you can't define heartbreak. ~

"What's the hair colour of this supposed nurse you mentioned, Miss Dominic?"

"Auburn with a tint of maroon. " Maya answered. The detective nodded and jotted something down on his notepad.

"And this said nurse happened to have the exact same hair colour with your housemaid, Miss Del Varia?"

"Yes," I answered in one breath.

"When was the last time you had any form of encounter with your housemaid, Miss Del Varia?"

"Two days ago."

"Thank you, that'll be all for today. We'll contact you if we need additional information. " He packed his documents and handed it over to the guy standing beside him.

"Trust detectives to make me a nervous wreck." Maya chuckled after the men left.

It's been three hours since Tiffany's abduction. The FBI, NYPD and CIA had distributed search teams throughout the state but we haven't heard anything so far.

We visited the room mom was admitted to, occupied by my siblings and friends.

"How's she doing?" I sat beside Severina.

"Still hasn't said anything," Dad mumbled.

Mom had gone into total shut down two hours back, not even her breath could be heard. Her eyes were wide opened and her posture was still, but no words left her mouth. The doctor said she's in shock, but will recover soon. I just hope he's right.

"Any news yet, uncle Grayson?"

Dad stared at Maya and shook his head.

"So far none, sweetheart."

"They should've detained all the hospital staff." Malu seethed.

"That'll be useless because most of them weren't aware of Tiffany's presence and the only people who attended to her, are nowhere to be seen." Aisha shrugged.

It's absurd that the doctor, alongside the other nurses who checked up on Tiffany were all missing.

"I've hired the best rescue team and detective from Russia
We'll be living in an hour to begin effective searching," Dad informed, checking his wristwatch.

"What happened to this other search team?" Severina questioned.

"You mean the strolling team." Dad scoffed.

"When are you leaving?" Asher chimed in.

"An hour from now."

"And when will you be coming back, dad. It's not safe for you to go alone." I added in concern, but he just rolled his eyes and brushed it off.

"My daughter's life is a priority."

"What about mom?"

"I'm taking her along, Severina." He sighed, clearly annoyed.

Our friends were fighting their amusement, Kabia especially. Guess they've never seen our overprotective sides.

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