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Celine Dion: My heart will go on👆

~One of the greatest diseases is to be nobody to anybody~

"Three down, ten more to go." I tapped the marker against the forehead of the target.

"She's the problem." R stood beside me, staring at the picture with the same calculative gaze. She's the barrier between us and the main target. She was too smart and observant.

"She has to be annihilated before it gets too late," Q affirmed.

I sighed and flopped down on the leather chair, pondering on my next move.

"Killing her proved harder than I expected you know."

I just wish Q would shut up. I wasn't in the mood for small talk.

"What did you get from the room?" 
It was a waste of time asking this question.

He wouldn't dare to return from a mission empty-handed. Otherwise, he could kiss life goodbye. I won't hesitate to blow his brains out. I've been on edge all these days, one wrong move from anybody and death will follow suit.

"It's locked." I took the case from him and smirked. A lifelong store of dark secrets. Just what I've been looking for.

"You could destroy her by merely using this. The only issue is her friends."

"They won't be anymore. Three is almost down, and with this, consider another two off the list." I swirled the case on the table and gently tapped my index on it.

I'm coming for you Seraphina, and nothing would stop me this time around.
Breath. Breath. Breath. You can do this Seraphina. She's just an ordinary person. I stared at my reflection in the mirror, giving myself affirmations.

It was my official first day of training with Peyton and I couldn't help being a nervous wreck. I inhaled and exhaled one more time before leaving the bathroom.

I sat in the lobby, waiting for Miss guide to arrive. Thirty minutes and still no sign of her. I manipulated my phone to kill time until I felt a presence beside me.

"Hi." It was a brunette about my age, with chocolate-brown eyes.

"Hey." I returned her greeting with a smile.

"You're new here?" She stated rather than asked, and I nodded in response.

"How about you?" God, why was I terrible at initiating conversations?

"Nope. I've been serving this company for five years." She laughed. 

What do I say or ask next?
Damn it, girl, just talk.

How awkward could I get?

"Peyton's your guide." How did she know that?

"She trains the newbies here. No offence. " She winked.

"None taken." I laughed. A question that I've been dying to ask suddenly popped into my mind.

"Are you a model?"

"Was." She nodded with a sad smile. Maybe it was something she doesn't want to talk about. She opened the folder in her hands and placed it on my lap. It contains pictures of her in different fashion shows, and one particularly grabbed my attention. It was that of her on a magazine cover.

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