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~No matter how much you tried, you'll never reach enough~

I was air locked.

My throat closed up to the point of suffocation.

"Close your mouth, honey. We don't wanna catch flies now, do we?"

"And Ben?"

"Yes, Boss." He curtsied.

God please, if this is a way to test my loyalty, please end it now for I'm ready to own up to all my sins and repent. I'll do anything but just wake me up from this nightmare.

"Turn the car around, we're going back to the base." She ordered. Turns out I wasn't exactly dreaming.

"Yes, Boss."

I shook my head and literally laughed out.

"No fucking way!". I gasped, unable to contain my bewilderment.

"Surprise surprise."

"I should've known,"

"Known what? your stupidity? naivety? ignorance?"

Leila tried to discreetly reach for the lock but unfortunately, Maya was quicker than I gave her credit for.

"Try that bitch and I'll blow your brain out." She menaced, pointing a fully-loaded pistol at the poor girl's forehead.

With shaky hands, I gently took Leila's cold ones in mine.

"That won't be necessary. Leila, let go of the lock please."

"Awww, how cute." She gushed, pretending to wipe fake tears.

"And you, I want you to call Tyler right now and tell him to back down." She redirected the gun at Zara with an evil grin.

"I won't go by your stupid commands." Zara snarled.

"Okay then, let's see how Tyler takes it after seeing his previous girlfriend decapitated."

"You wouldn't dare." Zara hissed out in implicit panic.

"I wouldn't try me Mahmat. The choice is yours. Call your Lil cousin or Latina here dies, right now. I haven't spilt blood for a while and I'm kinda desperate, so don't test the waters." She giggled, curling a loose strand around her index.

"It's okay. Call Tyler." I assured.

Zara gave her a murderous glare, but dialed Tyler's number nonetheless.

"Hey Ty, I want you to stay right where you're, okay? Yes, just stay right there at lake Skaneateles. Well, we're kinda tra...

"Give me that, you bitch!" Maya snatched the phone and hit Zara with the gunstock so hard that blood oozed from her nose.

Leila gasped out in terror and shrunk further into her seat, tears of fear raining down her pale cheeks.

"Whoo, some blood at once. Now let me call my kid and alert him of the current situation. "

I cleaned Zara's bloodied nose with a tissue, then quickly dispose of it off through the opened window while Maya was communicating with someone at the other end. We could never go wrong with clues in case Tyler and his team decide to embark on a rescue mission.

"I'm so sorry." I apologised in barely above a whisper.

"It's alright. Everything will be alright." She gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.

Maya blasted music throughout the ride, and I used this opportunity to drop some of my body accessories on the way.

Girl where's the point? you'll die anyway.
I ignored my subconscious and continued on my mini escape plan. Where there's life, there's hope.

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