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Impossible: French version 👆

~Two said you're right and one said you're wrong. Hold onto the last one for dear life;
honesty is rare and expensive~

I whimpered at the tornado invading my head and curled into a foetal position. The pain getting so unbearable as nausea occasionally surged in my throat. I checked the time and groaned, 10:30 am. I was already thirty minutes late for my first class and my ass was still glued in bed. I got up and trudged to the bathroom, much to my dismay but imagining the consequences that will follow upon skipping school kept me going.

After two agonizing hours, I was all set and ready. The only problem was, my ride left an hour ago. That's not an issue, I could always grab a cab since my ass was too lazy to drive. My weak form stood on the sidewalk, about to hail a cab until a sleek black Mercedes Benz pulled up beside me. The windows rolled down and Tyler in all his grace gave me a once over with a smug expression on.

"Are you going to stand there and wait for me to invite you in?" He smirked, opening the passenger's side door. I ignored him and continued hailing. One should definitely stop already, ugh.

"You do know that all the assignments given this week will be recorded right? God help you if you continue skipping school. " That did it. My eyes visibly widened and without thinking twice, I hopped into the passenger's side and buckled up. How could I forget it's one more week until midterm?

Tyler took off and I leaned my head against the window, trying to doze off but my head had other plans. Trust migraine with perfect timing.

"You don't look okay." It's a statement, there's no trace of doubt underlying his tone. I continued ignoring him and adjusted myself to a much more comfortable position. A gesture I seemed to be frequently doing in the past five minutes.

"I can grab you a painkiller at the Pharmacy, you know." Couldn't he get the hint? I don't want to engage in any form of conversation with anybody, him especially.

"Just drive Tyler. " I snapped. The air surrounding me emanated gloom, and I wish he would catch on and let me be.

"Since when do you care anyway?"
Tyler was never the considerate type. He cares about no one but himself. So, why was he trying to play gentle Jack today?

He snorted and briefly glanced at me. "I don't care and never will, honestly. I'm just doing this to put my theoretical knowledge in the medical field to practice. Don't get your hopes up."

Silence engulfed us after that. No one uttering a word until we reached campus.

My arrival corresponded with the second period, and I met the class fully packed. Something very unusual, but you couldn't possibly expect less with the upcoming continuous assessments.

"Miss Del Varia, you're late!" Mrs Smith roared. I winced and discreetly rubbed my ears, muttering a quick apology.

"You look like a witch that had escaped from a dungeon. " Maya snickered as I took my seat beside her.

"What's up with you?"

"Migraine." I groaned and placed my head on the desk.

"Here." She handed me Tylenol and bottled water. I thanked her and drank the pill, returning my head to the desk.

"Miss Del Varia, that better not be your head laid on the desk while lectures are going on!"

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