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~The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism~
~Ken Robinson

I stared at the clock ticking on the wall, counting the seconds until the hour hand moves. Nothing seemed more interesting apparently. I felt sick to the core, having a hard time trying to erase the previous afternoon from my head.  The thought of having to spend a reasonable time of my life with an arch-enemy had never crossed my mind in my entire life of existence. I felt as though God was punishing me for some unknown sin I've committed or maybe this was life playing tricks at me.

When the issue of roommates came up, my only fear was having to share a room with a guy, or a tiny bathroom with the entire floor. However, the unexpected turn of events was nothing  I was prepared for.

Upon initially seeing Zara, I blinked several times in a row, hoping maybe it's my illusion playing tricks at me. I couldn't accept the agonising fact for the life of me. I stood frozen on spot, my mouth automatically zip-locked. I couldn't stand another minute in her presence, I needed to leave. Like a bolt of lightning, I fled out of the room, afraid I might pass out if I waste another second.

I can accept anything that God bestowed upon me, every challenge but this. It was just too prompt, and bottom line overwhelming. Story of my life.

Now here I was, laying down in bed, praying to wake up from this nightmare. Except I wasn't even asleep, and it wasn't exactly a dream. This was the deceptive reality. A knock sounded at my door and I permitted the person to come in, not in the mood to get up anytime soon.

"Phina?"  Severina called, and I hummed in response. I felt the bed dipped, the same time Severina's hair brushed against my cheeks.

"Are you okay?" I nodded again, praying she goes away. I wanted to be alone but someone doesn't seem to understand that.

"I need words Phina, not gestures, I'm neither deaf nor I'm dumb."
People in this house don't respect privacy.

"I said I'm fine." My tone came out snappier than intended.

"No, you're not fine and I'm not leaving until you tell me." She forcefully turned me around, much to my protest, but Severina was strong as fuck.

"Rina stop. I promise I'm fine." I grumbled, but she wasn't having it. I lazily stared at her, and forced a small smile, despite my tired form.

"Spill bitch."

I groaned and went to lay back down but the force with which she spanked my ass was enough to have me sitting upright. I whimpered and soothed my sore butt.

"There's more where that came from, now spill."

Knowing Severina won't give up, I  decided to tell her and save myself the pending body aches.

"Zara is my roommate. " I confessed, the words tasting bitter on my tongue.

She stared at me with a blank expression. I opened my mouth to further explain but was cut short by Severina pouncing on me. I was too shocked and hence couldn't react on time. She successfully secured me in a headlock and placed her legs on my thighs, having me completely submitted to her will. I squealed, but it was muffled. My face was smudged on her groin.

"I." Knock. "Told." Knock. "You." Knock. "Not." Knock. "To stoop." Knock. " low." Knock. "To." Knock. "Zara's." Knock. "Level." Knock,  knock, knock.

I felt numb. I couldn't feel my body anymore. She gave me a final knock before releasing me. I rubbed my head and whimpered. Severina's a walking steel.

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