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~While anger is temporal, remorse is eternal~

"I miss you soo much." I pouted, adjusting the position of the MacBook.

"I know you do. It's the only statement you've been saying for the past one hour that we spent face-timing."Enrique chuckled.

" I can't help it. It's been ages."

"Babe, we hung out yesterday." He mused. I rolled my eyes and glared at him.

"Yeah well, I miss you. I want to have days when I'll be waking up to your face and sleeping in your arms."

"If it takes any second longer it's on you." He breathed out. I wanted nothing more than to marry his fine ass but my parents will have my head if I so much as mention the word marriage to them. Get educated, secure a good career, be independent, give back, secure for your incoming children, then settle down. My mother's life guides to her children.

"You're thinking about your parents."

"Unfortunately." I yawned.

"I don't mean to burst your bubble but they're right you know. Patience is the only direct path to success."

I did a double-check and drew closer to the camera, trying to see if it's truly Enrique I was chatting with.

"Who are you and what have you done to my boyfriend?"

He laughed and gulped down some water.

"Never knew you were Einstein's descendant."

"Because I'm not." He shrugged. Just then, Peyton's annoying voice called out to me.

"Second mommy calling." Enrique mocked.

"I swear down. Okay, talk to you later. Love you."

"Love you too and take care of yourself."

"Okay, bye." I shut down my laptop the same time Peyton walked in.

"You just had to yell my name like a rat stuck in labour. "

"Whatever, who was that?"

"That who?" I returned, playing stupid.

"You're gonna have to improve on your pretence skills." She snorted, flopping at the other end of the couch.

"I admire your relationship. Two complete years of commitment. No drama, no breakups."

"Lol, na. Break ups no, but drama, tons." I lightly laughed, thinking back to our petty dramas. We'd argue over the dumbest shits.

"Still, you guys lasted more than the average wedded couples in New York."

"You're so savage." I laughed.

"Seriously though. Do you know that the longest New York couples stay committed in a marriage is less than four months?" She stated matter of factly.

This got me laughing so hard my sides hurt.

"Please stop, I can't. " I wiped my eyes, short of breath.

Awkward silence almost waggled its tail but I refused to succumb to it.

"How about you? any special guys?"

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