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~If obstacles threatened to block your path to success; grind them like popsicles ~

It's liquid-nitrogen cold. I could hear the clattering of my teeth as the cold wind blew. Despite being covered, my insides felt as though it's been stacked with ice. Remind me again who gave the dumb idea to hide behind elephant grasses in such adverse weather.
Either Christophe or Dane, only these two come up with the unique yet dumbest plans in the operation.

"Guys, I'm freezing." Rowan's voice shivered through the cochlear implant. I mentally rolled my eyes at him before going back to checking the perimeters with binoculars.

"And I currently have iced grass pressed on my groin. You think you have the worst condition." Scott scoffed and series of low chuckles followed after.

"Oh shit, Courtney's calling." Mark cursed.

"Hey, babe!!." A slurry voice shrieked, making me audibly wince. I hope Mark realises he still had on the cochlear implant.

"Yup, definitely stoned." Scott chuckled.

"Court, I'm in the middle of s...

"Remember that one time you said we were going to use whipped cream and cuffs." She giggled. Say what.

"Oh purr." Dane snickered. I almost laughed but tucked my bottom lip inside my mouth to avoid temptation.

"Babe, I'm gonna hang up now okay. You're kinda d...

"Oh, you're with another bimbo. Nigga,  ain't no bitch  gon' compete with this avocado." She hiccuped. Let's just pretend I didn't hear that.

Mark, instead of replying, only hung up and awkwardly cleared his throat. Dane and Scott were in hysterics, openly making fun of him.

"Avocado, huh." Dane teased.

"Shut up," Mark grumbled.

"Nigga, ain't no bitch gon' compete with this avocado. " Rowan imitated in a girly voice, making us crack up.

"Dude, you've got two chicks about to literally fuck you up. You're officially screwed." Scott laughed.

"Two chicks? you're polygamous or something, bro." I snorted.

"He's referring to your girl, man." Mark clarified.

"What has Phina got to do with this?" I questioned, sparks of jealousy igniting my insides.

"Remember I lied to get them to Zara."

I mentally scolded myself for overreacting as realisation dawned on me. How could I forget I devised the entire plan?

"Bro is whipped." Rowan chuckled.

"Can't deny man." A small smile crept up my lips as I reflect on memories of the mixed-race beauty. Trust Seraphina to distract me in situations that call for all-out focus.

"How are you going to win her back? It's gonna be tough you know, with the new boyfriend and all."

I smirked and adjusted the binoculars.

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