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~Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change ~

"I'm thinking more along the lines of using the whistle."

"Hell no. I did that once and it didn't end well. let's just go with icy water."

"And you think that's better? you're a joke."

"Fine you do yours and I do mine."

"No, we'll agree on one and it has to be mine."

"No, it'll be mine."

I opened my eyes but immediately shielded them from the intense glare of the morning sun. Who even drew the curtains at such an early hour?

"Great you've woken her up."

I picked the small remote from the nightstand and drew the curtains close before adjusting my eyes to the early morning light in the room.

"Me?  You were the one who wouldn't stop shouting at seven am."

I was confused until my eyes fully opened and took in the scene before them. Severina stood with a whistle in hand and Tiffany a bucket full of ice. I was still in oblivion until the chains linked in my head. It wasn't a dream. Evil masterminds.

"So, am I a part of the plan? Tell me how we should wake Seraphina. Should we blow the whistle in her ear or soak her in icy water?" My fake smile was award-winning.

"I preferred soaking you in the icy water but this fool here had to act dumb. Such a buzz kill." Tiffany scoffed and left with her bucket.

I glared at Severina who flopped on my bed and covered herself with my blanket. The nerves and confidence are real.

"Get your fat ass off my bed Severina." I pushed her off, making her butt plant on the carpet with a loud thud.

"Bitch, my bones." She moaned, gripping her glutes.

"Serves you right."

"We're twins!"

"And what does that have to do with you barging into my room at seven am like a lost termite?"

" Meaning I've equal rights in this room as you." Seriously?

"Says the girl who nearly threw me out the window for sitting on her couch."

"I told you I wasn't in the mood by then Phina. Would you ever let that go?"

"And grandma is a virgin." I snorted.

"She could be. Who knows? Maybe Mom came from a different planet. That woman is too cold-blooded to be human."

Talk about rudeness and She'll hit google's search bar.

"She's our mother Severina." I giggled. We were sprawled on the floor without the slightest intention of getting up and school was in two hours.

"C'mon, we've school in two hours. Don't want Mr Harts narrating stories to dad again." Severina voiced out my thoughts.

Since it was still early and our school wasn't that far, I decided to work out a bit before taking a quick shower. I towel dried myself and threw on a random outfit. It was the beginning of a new week, hence I opted for a more elegant look in a slit body corn, denim pencil skirt and a strapless top.

 It was the beginning of a new week, hence I opted for a more elegant look in a slit body corn, denim pencil skirt and a strapless top

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