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~The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple~

"How could you've failed!" Q barked. She jumped back and trembled. Weak fuck. I scoffed and leaned on one foot, taking in the scene.

"Sir...I...I... I.. trie...

"You tried! We talk accomplishment in this operation, not attempts" He growled.

"They're boring me to death. Why doesn't he kill her already?"

"This looks more like a mother scolding her child for eating too much candy." I couldn't agree more with R.

"Give me another chance Sir. Let me prove myself.  I swear, this time I'll end the game. I'll kill her with my bare hands." She blurted out in desperation. I leaned off the table and advanced towards them.

"Second chances are given to weak people, and we don't do weak," I smirked.

"What is going on here?" A deep voice boomed. We all stood at attention, with our chests puffed out and faces blank, just like robots.

"She failed the mission si.." Q started but was muted with a murderous look from the Boss.

"I don't want to hear it! I told you not to bring such minor complaints to me." 

Q slightly shook from fear. He's fucked.

"Don't you know what to do or should I show you?!" He roared. 

Without wasting a second, I took my gun from the holster and aimed it at the blonde kneeling on the floor.

"No! ple...

Too late. I pulled the trigger and smirked in satisfaction when blood splattered on the wall behind her now limp body. Just comforting.

"My favourite agent. Additional 150k to your account." I inwardly grinned, proud at how my income keeps on fluctuating daily.

"What do you say? You clear him, and I double the price?" He pointed to Q, whose eyes visibly widened, but still maintained his composure. I aimed at him, about to pull the trigger, until a big hand engulfed mine.

I swung my fist, ready to strike, but halted mid-air when I realised it was the Boss.

"That won't be necessary.  I was just testing your loyalty. He's still not off the redline though, and I'll give you the order to send him to hell when I've decided. He may be a big fool, but we still need him in the game." He puffed out a huge smoke of Tobacco.

"So Agent J, tell me. What's your next plan?"

I smirked and turned my laptop towards him. Time to spice up a Del Varia.
"Mr Del Varia, I still think you should leave her with us for a...

"Not happening! we're not discussing this any further. This is the second time my daughter's life had been at risk, and all thanks to your recklessness and inexperience!"

I looked at the poor doctor in pity as dad lashed out at him. None of this was his fault, but unfortunately, my overprotective father couldn't care less.

"I will cease all donations to this hospital and sue you. So pray while you still have the  time." He threatened.

"I don't think that'll be necessary dad. None of this was his fault, to begin with. How could you possibly blame him? Besides, if it weren't for him, do you think I'll be talking to you right now? You'd be talking about a funeral. Please stop giving the man a hard time." If I didn't intervene, all the doctor worked for his whole life would become a waste. Yes, my dad's that powerful.

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