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~The I don't care aircraft lands in had I known~

A blaring dead-ass ringtone startled me from my deep slumber. I felt around the bed for the annoying device and didn't second hitting the reject button when I found it. Who wakes people this early? I checked the time and instinctively shrieked when the screen indicated 10:30 am. As if things couldn't get any worse, a notification with twelve missed calls popped up, all from my mother! Just what I needed, cue the sarcasm. The phone rang again and this time I received without a breath of hesitation.

"Where the hell are you?! I've been trying to reach for God knows how long!" I moved the phone away from my sore ears, cringing.

"Morning to you too, mother." 

"Get your ass over here. The decisions are released!"

Shout outs to my retarded memory one more time. How could I have forgotten? To even think that I put this date on reminder, and still succeeded in skipping it. Talk about a celebrated amnesia patient.

Showering was out of it. I threw on a pair of black Mia high-waisted sailor shorts and an off the shoulder nude cropped top. I flattened my hair until it was bone-straight, before dashing for the streets. I dialled Peyton's number in a red light and she picked on the first ring.

"You're bringing doughnut, right?" That was the first thing she asked.

"No, but I might if you do me a favour." I wonder how she manages to sneak these carbs without mom's notice.

"Are you bribing me?"

"I was trying to put it in a civilised manner but since you have some sort of obsession with barbarians, then yes we can go with bribing."

"Just how rude are you?" She sighed at the other end. I lowly chuckled and hopped onto my usual expressway when the green light came up.

"What do you want?"

"I want you to hold Naomi back for some minutes. I'm almost at the studio."
Please say yes, please say yes.


"Yes, the Naomi. As in Naomi Campbell.  You know, the supe...

"Yeah, I understand but she isn't here."

"What do you mean? mom said the decisions are released."

"You fool. Decisions are sent Via Ma'am's email. " Peyton laughed. I parked and facepalmed in annoyance. My beautiful sleep spoilt over bullshit.

"First, you and now, mom. You enjoy torturing me or something?"

"See you soon girl and oh, I lied. Anna Wintour will be on Zoom call in a minute. Sorry, not sorry." She chuckled. I opened my mouth to throw in a snarky remark but she hung up before I could even breathe into the speaker.

I can't describe the speed with which I fled into the building but one thing I do know is that I reached the conference room in barely a minute. I was met with my mother's sharp gaze the moment I walked in, it was as though I was the only being the woman was waiting. A beeping sound came up and my mom furiously snapped her fingers, gesturing with wide eyes towards a seat a few centimetres from the huge projector.

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