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~In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends~

~Maya Angelou

"Alright everyone that'll do it. Let's call it a day." our gym coordinator, Miss Harrison, concluded, after torturing hours of cardio and conditioning.

"Finally, I almost thought we were going to have a bonfire ." Severina snickered, rolling her eyes. I nodded my head exhaustedly in agreement. Unfortunately, her action didn't go unnoticed by the devil incarnate and next thing you know, Miss Harrison's head snapped in our direction faster than lightning. Oh shit.

"Damnation. We're doomed, way to go Rina." I whispered to my twin. However, she wasn't looking the least bit fazed by Miss Harrison's intense glare.

"Stop being dramatic Sera, she won't do shit. She's jelly. All bark no bite." she smirked, twirling a piece of hair around her index finger.

"What was that Severila." Miss Harrison seethed. Some of our friends lowly chuckled at her provocative nickname, but typical Severina merely rolled her eyes.

"The name's Severina harry, you know S-e-v-e-r-i-n-a, not that hard for even elementary schoolers. Not that I expected more from you." Severina calmly affirmed, although saying the last part lowly, knowing it would make the situation ten times worse than it already was. Like she cares.

"Severina please take it down a notch, you're pissing her off and you know angry Miss Harrison is a different story." My warning fell on deaf ears as she was busy sheepishly grinning at Miss Harrison, whose face at this point had a striking resemblance to a beetroot.

Talk about a mother fucking routine.

"Well since we're active enough to talk, I bet we've got sufficient energy for two hundred push-ups yeah." Miss Harrison asserted with a triumphant smirk.

Saying my jaw nearly dropped to the ground would be an understatement, and as if on cue everyone started grumbling.

"This is your fault Sev.....

" I dare you to mention my name Bia, please I'm daring you." Severina hissed through clenched teeth. Bia instantly paled and cowered back. The effect she has on people.

"Two hundred push-ups or pay Mr Harts a visit, choice is yours." Satan's mistress glowered. Though at the mention of Mr Harts, no one dared to utter another word. Rather, people scurried off to their gym mats instead. Except for a certain somebody of course.

Mr Hart is the school's chancellor. Short and buff with jet black hair, accentuated with a few grey strands, as evidence of aging I supposed. A permanent frown is etched on his face, hence the reason he can't be nominated into the good looking department. Students avoid him at all costs. Not out of fear but rather annoyance and irritation from his constant complaints about everything and nothing. Suspension is like eye blinking to him, which made me wonder on many occasions if he genuinely wanted students in the university. I mean, who sends an entire class on a one-month suspension just because one of the students slept during lessons. The man needs serious prayers, perhaps his weird behaviour could be traceable to a lack of spirituality.

Miss Harrison, your typical definition for dramatic. Everything upsets her. Even the benches and trees in the school. She's pretty much hated for a gym lecturer which initially surprised me because logically, gym classes are students' all-time favourite in every school. But after getting to know her, that bewilderment vanished in thin air.

Two years was enough to bring me to the conclusion that Miss Harrison's the type of person you can't survive a day with, without planning countless ways to end her life. Annoying, loud, mean, harsh, savage, the list could go on forever. Hell, some students even transferred due to incapability to endure her behaviour and I'm afraid Severina would be next. "Either she leaves or I leave," she said.

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