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JB ft Shawn Mendes: Monster👆

~They're not haters, rather wannabes~

"The search team found it in Miss Del Varia's bag. Del Varia's bag, Del Varia's bag, Del Vari...

"Miss Del Varia!" I jolted up in my seat from Mr Harts thunderous voice.

"Sir, you've got to believe me. I have nothing to do with this. I didn't even know there was a marking scheme. Please, Sir."

"What a manipulative student! So then how did the paper found itself in a bag secured with a password or did  it suddenly grow legs!" Mrs Smith hissed. Password! my bag has no password.

"My bag has no password, Mrs Smith, you can ask Miskha or anyo...

"Enough with the lies already! first you denied smuggling the answer sheet in your bag and now we're talking about you not recognising your own property anymore!. What do you take us for?! fools!" Mr Olsen, one of the bored members slammed his fist on the round table.

"And she expects us to ask her minions." Mr Bolton scoffed.

"More like a lion telling us to trust his Cubs." Mrs Smith snarled. The world swirled around me as I try to recollect everything that happened in the last two hours. My eyes stung from crying and my nose was blocked, not to mention blotched. Mrs Roberts stared at me with pitiful eyes and this made me break down even more. The boardroom door opened and a guy dressed in a suit walked in with a bag pack. The same bag Mrs Smith brought into the hall.

"The bag, sir." He placed it on the table and left. I stared at the object and couldn't help but notice a striking resemblance to my Versace bag pack.

"Miss Del Varia, since you claimed your bag isn't secured with a password, would you mind telling us how you open it then." Mr Harts calmly requested.

"My bag opens with a fingerprint and this shit has a God damned password! Can't you see? it's common sense!"

"Watch your tone, Miss Del Varia. You're dealing with people in no time away from destroying your future if you're proven guilty. " Mr Bolton menaced.

"And it so happened that it has a fingerprint lock as well." Mrs Smith declared after inspecting the bag.

"Place your index in the tab, Miss Del Varia. " Mr Harts ordered.

"This is ridicu...

"I won't repeat myself."

It's okay girl, this is your luckiest chance to prove your innocence. And for once, I listened to my subconscious and placed my index finger on the tab. The zips simultaneously drew backwards and the bag opened. For the thousandth time that day, I was rendered shell shocked.


"Miss Del Varia, you're being ordered to remain silent, or anything you say from now onwards can and will be used against you. Meeting adjourned. " The chairman, Mr Miller, dismissed in an authoritative tone.

How comes my finger opened something that doesn't belong to me?

"Sir please, this isn't m...

"A verdict will be given tomorrow after the investigation team is done. You may see yourself out. We've more pressing issues to discuss." Mr Harts pointed towards the door.

I gathered the little left of my pride and walked out the boardroom with my head lowered, afraid of meeting the judgemental eyes of the crowd waiting outside.

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