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~It's not about hate all the time;
Sometimes it's just POV~

It was the morning after, and the mansion was eerily quiet. Not a single fly could be heard.

I zipped up my black Armani one piece and sprinkled on some perfume. For finishing, I went with nude lips, a high ponytail and black combat boots.

I ascended the stairs to the third floor where my friends were already seated, all ready and set. At this point, you must've noticed I'm the tardy ass in the group.

"Updates?" I inquired, sitting beside Enrique.

"None yet." Malu shook her head.

We haven't heard from Aisha since her last call. Malu tried her cell but it kept going to voicemail. She did tell us she'll stop by her house, so I wasn't that worried.

"Your head had been bent over that phone for hours Nathan, and why the hell do you look like you're about to cry?" Lalia snatched the phone when he was least expecting it.

"Marissa, huh." She wiggled her brows, dodging Nathan's long arm.

"Give it back." He grumbled.

"Nope." Lalia giggled.

Everyone watched in amusement as the duo ran about the living room.

"You can't tackle a petit girl Man. You're an embarrassment." Enrique mocked.

I gave him a duh look and smirked.

"Like you're any better. Remember that time you chased me around your backyard for hours?"

"I still caught you." He shrugged defensively.

"Yeah, after begging me to slow down. " I mused.

Enrique's words must've motivated Nathan, as he tackled Lalia on the couch in no time, took his phone and...

Spanked her ass. Yup, he spanked her, hard and loud.

"Whoooo!" Kabia cackled, doubling over on the mat.

"That ass ain't yours nigga." Lalia pouted.

"You asked for it." Nathan chuckled.

"So you still have it on with that chick?"
Ace mused.

"I'm tired bro. Wanna call it quits." Nathan sighed.

"You should. That bitch is obviously taking your love for granted." Maya chastised.

Okay, was I the only one in oblivion?

"Which chick are they talking about?" I nudged Enrique, who was busy playing candy crush. How mature.

"Marissa Williamson. " He tossed his phone to the side and repositioned himself so that his head laid on my lap, while the rest of his body occupied the remaining space on the couch.

"Don't you dare tell me you don't know the Marissa Williamson Phina?"  Leila exclaimed.

What's so special about her? She could be one of NYU's certified whores for all I care.

"Unfortunately." I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Marissa Williamson is the face of NYU." Nathan chimed in.

"AkA his bitchy girlfriend. " Lalia gritted out in a venom-laced voice, and what sounded like....envy?

No way. I hope this isn't what I'm thinking. Is Lalia crushing on Nathan?

"Dump her ass already Nate. You deserve way better." Leila pressed, although I didn't miss the discreet glance she stole Lalia's way.

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