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~"You can trust me with anything"; this line destroyed thousands of lives~

"Here." Ace handed me a steaming coffee mug.

"Thank you."

"It's been fourteen hours." He tiredly rubbed his eyes.

"It'll be worth it." I convinced.

Ever since Aisha announced the nerve-wracking news, we haven't so much as have an hour of eye shut. Everyone was busy piecing out evidence, just anything to help with the tracing. There's no good news so far but I'm still hoping.

"This proves harder than I was expecting."

"We're tracing a skilled hitman, Ace. Someone who has maybe possibly spent years stalking us and tracking our every move, what do you expect?"

"I knew it won't be easy, but I wasn't expecting it to be this hard either." He chuckled, taking a sip of the hot beverage.

"Well, it is what it is. Enough of this bull bullcrap, how are things with Severina?"

A blush crept up his cheek at the mention of my twin. Somebody's whipped.

"Still hoping." He smiled.

"I don't understand that English."

"You're something else, Phina." He mused.

"Uh uh, don't even go there. This ain't about me." He was trying to change the subject and thought I didn't catch on. Do people really take me for the slow type?

"Let's just say I've taken my first shot but wasn't so lucky."

"No way! she bounced you!"

Ace groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Your lousy ass is the reason I didn't want to tell you."

"Oh my. I'm imagining your face when she rejected you." I giggled.

"Haha, funny. Severina likes me, she just doesn't trust her feelings. " He confidently stated, way too confident. Like he was taking the words right out of Rina's mouth.

"And how did you know that?" I raised a questioning brow.

"I know how girls work. Severina's type especially. Part of the reasons I'm not giving up on her." He sounded so determined. I pray your hope doesn't get crushed, Ace.

"Okay, weirdo," I murmured the last part.

"I heard that."

"My bad."

We rejoined our friends in the huge built-in studio situated on the third floor.

The scene was the true definition of hectic, with papers and files occupying half of the plank floor.

Aisha being the hack lord was hooked to different laptops and electronic gadgets, while the less-blessed airheads like myself were scattered on the floor, reviewing files. The files were reviewed in impenetrable silence. No one talking to the other.

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