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~To go too far is as bad as to fall apart~

"45,46,47,48,49...beeeeeep." my legs bucked under me and I hit my head hard.

"Jesus Tiffany, you nearly killed me." I winced, rubbing my now sore head.

"That was the intention." I glared at the intruder who was none other than my younger sister leaned casually against the door frame with a whistle in one hand.
She strode over to my bed and flopped down, sighing in content. Talk about confidence.

Tiffany was the youngest in the family. Fifteen, with dark pin-straight hair, flowing down to narrow hips. Overall she's stunning and often referred to as the family's gem. At such a tender age, she effortless managed to sweep college guys off their feet. What more of when she turned eighteen?

"So what do you think?" Tiffany expectantly stared at me. Think what?

I widened my eyes at the realisation that I must've zoned out on her.

"Um sure, that's a great idea." I blabbered. The horrified expression on her face was priceless.

"So apparently Zach hitting me with a football on my stomach is a great idea? How generous of you." Sarcasm dripped down her voice.

"And here I thought you were going to say something Important. " I hid my face under a pillow with the hope of driving her away but seemed like she'd other plans when I felt my already sore head connect with a huge teddy bear. I squealed and jumped off the bed.

"Tiff, not the head please."

"Would you listen to me?" She raised the teddy above her head, ready to strike again.

"Fine, fine, you win. I'll listen to you for as long as you want. Just put the teddy away."

"Aww, that's so sweet of you, on the bed now." She ordered and I found myself complying. I have a sensitive body, okay, so don't judge.

"So I was saying, Zach.

"Zach this, Zach that, Zach, Zach, Zach, don't you both get tired of this routine. I know y'all childish as whack but one of you have to grow the fuck up. "

"And what do you know about growing up."

"While you were growing up, I used to wipe you...

"Anyways breakfast is in twenty. See you downstairs." She interrupted and left, knowing what I was about to say. She should've stayed and I'll gladly narrate her toddler days.

I skipped to the bathroom and after a long relaxing shower, towel-dried myself and rummaged my closet for a suitable outfit. I ended up settling for a sleeveless white tank top, spandex pants and black Vans. I straightened my hair and tucked the loose strands behind my ears. For the finishing touches, I went with nude lips and Dior perfume before taking a once over in front of my ceiling to floor mirror. I grinned in satisfaction and descended the stairs to the huge dining room, greeted everyone and sat beside my dad.

"Slept well kiddo?" He nudged my shoulder.

"Yes, dad." I smiled and pecked his cheek.

"Gross." Asher gagged.

"Hello to you too big bro."

He stuck his tongue out and continued stuffing his mouth with food. Very mature.

"Asher! I told you not to speak with food in your mouth. It's unhealthy and disgusting." My gaze lifted to the source of that authoritative voice and it was then I acknowledged the presence of my mother. The woman I always find myself questioning if she gave birth to me.

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