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~In life, it's normal for people to walk in then leave. It's just that some departures hurt more than others~

I woke up tied to a wooden chair and my head felt as though it's been attached to an anchor.

With my blurry vision, I tiredly dart my eyes around trying to locate my surrounding.

It wasn't until my eyes fully adjusted to the bright blinding light did I notice my friends on similar strains. Although unlike me, they were fully awake and alerted, each struggling to break free from the painful restraints.

"Phina, thank goodness." Asher breathed out in relief.

"What happened?" I exhaled, in a complete daze. I was yet to recover from the effects of the sedative.

"We're trapped, that's what happened." Kabia groaned.

"Babe, you okay?" Enrique voiced out in concern.

"Yeah. Have you seen your phone?"

He shook his head and relentlessly twist his wrist through the thick fibre.

"You're gonna hurt yourself, Rique. We're trapped either way." Maya reminded.

"Mark, that snake. I was always suspicious of him giving. He'd easily give in to all our requests" Malu seethed.

"That's not fair, Lu. He could've been killed for all we know." I defended, and it's the truth. Everything happened in a total blackout, including Mark's disappearance. I don't think it's fair to blame him.

"Who has time?"
I stared at Leila in disbelief while the rest glared at her. If we had the opportunity to check the time, here's the last place we would've been.

"A minute to your decapitation." Lalia snapped, making me bite my lip in amusement.

Trust us to argue in a life or death situation.

"Guys, I've freed my other wrist," Maya announced.

"Smart. Hurry and f...

Ace started only to be cut mid-sentence by a loud, booming sound.

My mouth hung agape in horror as a huge projector broke out of the top opposite wall, and settled in the middle with a loud thud, sending dust particles our way.

The screen lit up and two hands clasped together, depicting forgiveness popped up, followed by a short sentence underneath.

" I've forgiven you. " It read

What followed after this vented gasps of shock from everyone.

"You!" Asher exclaimed in prominent bewilderment.

"What the?!"

"It's a lie!"

"Someone please slap me back to reality."

Everyone simultaneously blurted out.

"I always knew you'd an unhealthy obsession over our friendship but never have I ever thought you'll go such great lengths to split us." Malu glowered.

She redirected her gaze to me, and I stared right back, with twice as much blankness as hers.

"Why are you doing this?" Severina quietly let out, gesturing towards the strains.

She swallowed hard and cleared her throat, after adjusting the camera to a better angle, making her face more visible.

"I'm sorry I restrained you. It's the only way we could get you to hear what we have to say."

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