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Selena Gomez: Look at her now👆

~Do not think of life during success, rather, use life to chase success;
Who knows when death might choose to hang out?~

From the dressing room, the cheering of the crowd could be heard as the models walk down the runway in their designer clothes. I wanted to go backstage and cheer them, but Peyton insisted I root my ass on the chair, as she has some final words of advice.

While waiting for her, I decided to test the Prada heels I'll be walking on. My right foot was seconds away from slipping inside when a voice that had been haunting my nightmares lately, ceased my movements.

"I wouldn't try that if I were you." Zara emerged through the curtain separating the dressing room and backstage.

"It's none of your business." I snapped, about to slip my foot in until a peal of evil laughter erupted from her chest.
I dropped the object and stood to my full height.

"What do you want, Zara? haven't you done enough?" I bit back in a hushed tone. I don't need the securities on my ass.

"Enough? bitch, shit hasn't even started and you're already tripping." She snorted, sitting on Peyton's chair.

"What will you gain from all this drama?"

"Fun, okuuuurrrt. You look stunning by the way. Trusting you to rock flower girl's role on my wedding day with Ty-ty. Not in that uh, church wear though." She shamelessly eyed me from head to toe, clearly making a mockery out of my dress.

I clenched and unclenched my fist, fighting back the anger bubbling inside me.

Think about your mother and Peyton, Phina. The challenges they faced to get you to this level.

I reminded myself, so I don't end up falling into the witch's dungeon. She's trying to get a chaotic reaction out of me. One sure to reap havoc and possibly taint my image.

"Why so quiet? Cat got your tongue?" She smirked.

"Try harder, bitch. This stunt you're pulling won't work on me. If you so much as think you'll be the one to ruin my life, then you've got something coming." I sharply jabbed my finger on her forehead.

My action must've riled her, because the next thing you know, she got up close to my face. So close that our foreheads almost touched.

"Don't you ever dare lay a finger on me again."

"Oh please, like I'll want my precious fingers on sewage." A satisfactory feeling washed over me when her face hardened.

"No wonder Tyler dumped you." She snarled. Fury on speaker.

"Yeah, heard he finds it, hard handling newbies. He's more into the used and trashed."  I love the way her face kept on morphing into a tight scowl with my comebacks.

"What the fuck did you just say?"

"Relax, Chica. Nobody said anything. This is your game I thought? or has the table took an unexpected turn?" I imitated her evil laughter.

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