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~It's stasis that kills you off  in the end, not ambition~

I watched closely with utter distaste as she lunged herself on him. God, I've never hated someone so much before. I don't even understand how people envy someone faker than augmented boobs. My phone suddenly rang, ending my train of thoughts. I rolled the window up and received the call, all the time focusing on the couple a few metres away.



"Perfetto. The package is at the warehouse."

I gave them one final glance and cautiously drove out of the street.

You'll have your fair share Seraphina. This isn't over.

"This endless pacing and whining won't solve shit," Tiffany said, stuffing her mouth with food.

"I just feel like choking somebody. " I growled, or at least what I thought sounded like one.

"Enrique could volunteer but I'm afraid the tables might turn on you." She shrugged and my eyes visibly widened.

"You're fifteen Tiff. " my horrified expression was nothing compared to the shock in my voice.

"All credits go to Netflix." She winked.

"I knew opening an account for you was a terrible idea."

"The done can't be undone, deal with it."

"I wonder how you secured a B- in English."

"Honestly even I don't know myself."
She yawned. Figured as much.

"Only you Tiffany, only you."

"So what are you gonna do now." She asked through a mouthful of food. Where was mom when she's needed?

"Don't talk with food in your mouth, Tiffany." I don't know where she and Asher adopted such an unhealthy habit from.

"Forget me, worry about how you'll get to school." She stuffed more food into her mouth, clearly provoking me.

So my lovely siblings decided to leave me stranded at home. Imagine my perplexion when I woke up and found only Tiffany in the house.

I ran to the garage after a quick preparation, only to realise that my keys were with Severina. Story of my life.

"I don't know. Maybe I'll just dodge."

"And get suspended the following day?"

"Don't remind me." 

"Why n...

My phone rang, interrupting Tiffany. I received it without bothering to check the caller ID.

"What." I groaned into the speaker.

"Rude." Tiffany mouthed.

"Well, morning to you too Miss grumpy." Maya's voice came through the speaker.

"Thank God. Where are you bitch?"

"School, why?" Today's just not my day.

"My life. The thing is my siblings kinda ditched me. I could always skip but cons are Mr Harts will have my head."

"Oh, but how could Severina do something so mean?"

"Yeah, well I don't know. They just did."

"Some siblings you have. So no plan B?"

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