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~Only enemies speak the truth, friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty ~
~Sun Tzu.

Motive X Promiscuous👆

"Phina! bring your ass down!"

I ignored Severina's annoying screams and continued curling the last strand of my hair. I placed the curling pin on the counter and took a once-over of my outfit. Satisfied with my looks, I picked my bag and took off downstairs.

"Hush, geez." I huffed at an annoyed-looking Severina.

"Do you honestly have to take an eternity to get dressed?" She scowled. I playfully bumped her shoulder on my way out, which resulted in a sharp smack on my butt.

"Ouch." I yelped and held the sore spot.

"What was that for?" I glared at her.

"Serves you right. " She taunted, struggling to maintain a straight face.

"If it isn't my favourite twins." A familiar voice called. I squealed and ran to the source. I missed him so much.

"Mr Hawthorne!" I jumped in his arms, making him stagger back a bit.

"Where is my baby girl." He laughed, twirling me.

"Jesus! Seraphina, get your fat ass off the poor man."

"And here I thought she had developed filters for that mouth." My Hawthorne scolded.

"Sup old man?" Severina went to fist bump him, but he caught her fist and twisted it behind her back until she whimpered.

"What have I said about you calling me old huh? Your father's two years older than I am."

And he wasn't wrong. Mr Hawthorne's our next-door neighbour, but we hardly see him, considering he's always away on business trips. He lost his wife during childbirth and ever since had been skeptical of getting remarried. With the misconception that he might be responsible for another woman's death. I felt sorry for him, but it seemed as though he's living his best life so far. He's a good friend of my dad and during holidays, both men take time off to vacate in Africa.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Mr Hawthorne." Severina pleaded. I took my phone out and started recording the scene.

"Good. Now scurry off, would you? Don't need your dad yelling my head off for getting you late." He laughed after releasing Severina.

We bid him goodbye and promised to visit him sometime soon. Severina called for a shotgun and I ended up in the backseat, much to my dismay.

"Hey, big bro." I greeted. Asher looked taken aback but returned my greeting nevertheless.

Unlike our previous car rides, this one was very interesting. We sang the lyrics to random songs until we reached campus.

"What do you have right now?" Severina inquired on the way to class.

"Health, why?"

"Boring. I have a free period and was wondering if  we could  sneak in dance and prank Zara, but all thanks to your stupid Health class."

I laughed and swung my arm around her shoulder.

"You're something else, Sis. Can't you just let it go?"

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