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~The shifts of fortune, test the reliability of friends~

Taylor Swift: Blank Space 👆

"Seductress switch on. Okay, I see you girl." Q laughed, munching on a chocolate bar. Pig. I replayed the footage for the millionth time and exhaled when I found what I've been looking for. It's about damn time.

"How long will you conti...

"Got it. Shut up. " He lifted his leg off the table and scooted over.

"You're jesting right?" I smirked and twirled the smartpen in between my fingers.

"Damn J." He whistled and patted my head as he would to a dog and boy was it irksome?

"How did you do it?"

"None of your business and can you please quit the chewing." He was starting to get on my nerves. I took the footage two minutes back and zoomed in, perfect.

"You're genius. Not even R's this smart. she attempted several times upon the initial release of the footage." I leaned back in my seat with a smug look.

When I set my mind on something, I must get it despite all odds.

" Do I've to remind you that It's me we're talking about here? Y'all can deny it all you want but I'm the best in the operation. "

"Please, don't be so full of yourself. We're only four. Stop making it sound like it's an entire organisation. " Envy had spoken.

"Whatever." I plugged in my earphones and tuned him out, redirecting my focus on the now downloading image, counting the minutes until it gets secured into the drive. Tick-tock Seraphina, tick-tock.
"Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell meeeeee!."

"Jesus Maya, behave." I covered my ear with one hand and dragged her to the janitors closet with another.

"Girl I'm dying, please. Even if it'll just be a sentence, tell me." She pouted. Maya and gossip.

"Fine, what do you want to know?" Neither of us would have peace if I don't tell her sometime soon.

"Are you serious? You'll tell me?"

"Don't make me change my...

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Tell me now Phina. We've got only ten minutes before the first period." She whined.

"Ten for you. I've got an entire hour." I smirked.

"Please." She dragged.

"Well, tell me what you want to know already."

"Everything, everything. From the beginning to the end...

"Forget it, bye." I adjusted the straps of my bag and held the doorknob only to be yanked back against the wall by an annoyed-looking Maya. I was cracking up at this point. This girl will do anything for gossip.

"Okay fine, but I can't guarantee you'll know everything in just ten minutes."

"Okay fine. Then go into the juicy details only. I won't mind sacrificing the rest." She shrugged.

"Why can't you just leave it until lunch break." I offered, but she was quick to shake her head.

"Nope, I want it now." She placed her bag on the floor and leaned against the door. No escape route.

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