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Song: inconsiderate by Krishane and Patoranking👆.

~Art is the lie that enables us to realise the truth~
~Patrick Swayze

You're inconsiderate,
Inconsiderate about my love,
And it's deliberate,
What are you doing to my aching heart,
And cupid knows,
Yeah, he knows,
I'm shot by you...

I danced around in the living room as one of my favourite songs blasted from the speaker. I'd been in a good mood since morning. Weird, considering last night's horrific encounter, but it's whatever. My dad called this morning, informing me that Mr Harts said I could take one more day off, and boy was I happy?

I don't know how long I've been dancing to not have felt a presence behind me, but the squeal I emanated was enough proof that I'd been off to Lala land for some time. Maya leaned against the door frame, staring at me in amusement.

"For a recovering patient, you sure have killer moves. Never knew you could dance this well." She lowly chuckled.

"I miss you too best friend. " I mused.

"And who said I missed you?" She taunted, attempting to keep a straight face. Not on my watch girl.

"Duh." I threw a cushion at her but she effortlessly dodged it.

" I missed you so so so much girl. It's been so boring without you." I knew it was only a matter of time until she's spilling her guts.

"Then why act like a bitch with cassava sticks stuck up her ass." I playfully scolded. She threw me a dirty look and stretched out her long legs on the bed.

We'd relocated to my bedroom since the living room was apparently "weird". Maya's words.

"You changed Phina. Damn. This is one medical glow. What were they feeding you at the hospital?"

I ignored her. My hair, suddenly the most important thing in the world.

"Phina." She hissed.

"What? I can't hear you. The network in the room is shitty." I argued, faking innocence, and before you know it, she'd pull me into a headlock. Like the donkeys that we were, we wrestled and messed up the entire bed, ending up sprawled on the mat.

"How are you, Maya?"

"Alright, now that you're alive and kicking."

I chuckled and laid on my back, staring at the white ceiling. Last night's encounter suddenly occurred on my mind, and I initially made a decision to tell Maya but decided against it after much reasoning. I don't want her to get traumatised.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"I'm not thinking about anything." I lied.

"Two years isn't two days Sera. I won't press you. You can tell me whenever you decide." She smiled.

I felt so guilty. She must've thought I  didn't trust her with my personal life, but it's for the best. I'll do anything to protect my friends, even if it means being discreet with them about some things. I held her hand and intertwined our fingers.

"Maya, I trust you more than myself. Don't you ever for a second doubt that."

"I know Sera, I was merely messing with you. Didn't know someone loved me this much. Shakespeare the second." She mocked.

"Bitch." I muttered under my breath.

"I saw the footage you know." Footage?

"Which footage?" I voiced my thought, confused. Which seemed to frequently happen to me lately.

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