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Khadija held onto Nathan for dear life, not intending to let go anytime soon. The sight was so heartbreaking but soothing at the same time. Nathan whispered something in her ear but she vigorously shook her head.

"Dude, takeoff is in two." Caleb tapped his shoulder. Nathan reluctantly pulled away from the chocolate beauty and lightly pecked her forehead.

"Love, what a disease." Severina cooed. We boarded the flight and took our seats, waiting for the pilot to take off.

"I miss Tiffany. " We only spoke once during the vacation.

"She's certainly enjoying her life without nagging siblings. Have you seen her Instagram posts lately?" Severina went to Tiffany's account and tapped on her highlights. Series of pictures popped up, all of Tiffany in two-piece bikinis. Most were of her and friends, while the rest were with aunt Caroline and our cousins. The swimsuits accentuated her sun-tanned skin well.

"As much as it hurts to admit, she's the hottest Del Varia." Severina pouted. I chuckled and shook my head, going back to my MacBook. After an hour into Grown-ish, I got bored and resorted to napping.

"Sss Sss."

"Ssss sss sss." What's that? I searched around for the source of the annoying sound but was met with pin-drop silence.

"Ssssss." I felt movement under my feet and momentarily froze. My eyes widened and slowly travelled down to the floor. The sight I was met with, emanated a shrill from my throat.

"What the fuck!"

"It's a snake!" Maya yelled.

I was frozen on spot, immobile, having a face-off with the reptile.

"Seraphina, move from there!" Asher barked. My legs felt numb, so does every other part of my body as the beast menacingly crawled towards me.

"Seraphina, jump!" Leila cried.

"No! that's a wrong move. This isn't any ordinary snake. It's a saw-scaled viper. One wrong move and you're dead, so stay put." Enrique warned, slowly advancing towards me.


"Shh, I know what I'm doing." He took careful steps towards my seat.

"It's hypnotizing you, babe. Look at me instead."

"Good, now I want you to carefully step around it and give me your hand." I shook my head, my heart loudly pounding against my chest. I was scared to the point of airlock.

"No, no, don't look down. Continue looking at me and slowly step around that corner. Its speed slows down at sharp edges and that'll give you enough time to jump over, while Tyler shoots at it," Enrique instructed.

Knowing I was optionless, I cautiously stepped around the corner. The sound of the snake drew nearer with every step I took.

"It's following me." I whimpered.

"Just maintain your stare. You're almost there."

"Right there. Just two more steps."

"Excuse my manners, but Enrique's taking my mind back to some porn I watched weeks back."

If not for the situation I was in, Miskha's mouth would've connected with my shoe, but somebody already beat me to it. I felt my soles hit a corner and exhaled a breath of relief. The beast was still slithering behind, although the noise had subsided by a notch.

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