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Seraphina's dress👆

~A furious mind is the primal source of regrets~

"Baby you might need a seatbelt when I'm riding;
Imma leave it open like a door come inside it;
Even though I'm wifey you can hit it like a side chick".

I groaned and flung my arm to the right, tossing the ringing phone to the floor. The aggravating device won't let me sleep. I felt about the ground for the phone and picked it up, swiping the receive tag.

"What." I snapped into the receiver. Not a delectable morning greeting but whatever. I'm not a morning person either.

"Hello to you too. Naomi Campbell is three minutes from the studio." Peyton informed before the line went dead.

oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. The Naomi Campbell will be conducting my interview and I'm yet to even shower. Well done girl. Now, where do I start?

I jumped off the bed, but my feet tangled in the sheets, sending me butt planting on the mat. With a hand pressed on my sore glutes, I dashed to the bathroom and took a quick shower before rampaging my closet. Not having enough time to choose a perfect outfit, I randomly threw on a double-layered, high waisted pencil bodycon cotton long skirt and a pair of white toe-out heels.

I hopped into my freshly painted white hybrid and leapt onto the road. My phone abruptly vibrated on my lap, startling me. I checked the caller's ID and cursed when Peyton's name popped up.

"Give me a break, I'm stuck in private."

"Can't you take a shortcut? Naomi is here."  Damn it.

"I can't, there's a blockage."

"Whatever. Get me a doughnut when coming."

"I'll get you an assnut." I hung up and squeezed my way in between cars until I leapt onto an expressway. Freedom at last. I accelerated to the maximum speed and pulled up to the grand storey in seconds. I took the emergency stairs two at a go seeing as the elevator was packed and wouldn't be reaching the last floor anytime soon. I briefly waved at Susan and strode to my mom's office, not bothering to knock before barging inside.

"What in the name of Nazareth?" She hissed.

"Sorry for the tardiness, I.. I...the." I tried explaining but it only came out in short breaths. Mom cocked her head to the side and looked from me to Peyton in confusion. Peyton bit her lips and looked away.

"Tardy for what?" Mom raised a perfectly waxed brow. I blinked several times and moved closer, hoping I heard right.

"Isn't Naomi Campbell my guide?"

"Yes, but she wouldn't be here until after two hours. Her flight is yet to land."

"But Peyton...she." The bitch cackled, falling back on the couch. She offered me an apologetic smile, which I returned with a death glare.

"I don't know whatever's between you and Peyton, but Naomi lands in two hours. And what the fuck are you wearing?" And people wonder why Tiffany curses at such a tender age.

She rolled her eyes and walked over to the spare closet beside the restroom. I couldn't help but take in her gliding form. Even the way she walks screamed iconic. She opened the closet and threw a black cloth at me.

SERAPHINAWhere stories live. Discover now