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Omah Lay: Damn👆

~I wanted to call you out on it but decided against it, knowing you ain't worth it~

"Shit!"I rolled my eyes at Q's antics and pitied who or whatever was at the receiving end of his fury.

"I can't believe our plans fell through." He bellowed.

"And who said anything about the plan failing?"

"Well, they're staying at a different hotel now, thanks to you." He spat out with venom.

"Your plan failed, not mine." I yawned, twirling a pen in between my fingers.
A distinct silence settled for some time before his voice came through the receiver.

"What do you mean?"

"Glad you asked. Unlike your initial crappy idea of hiring a single and dumb correspondent in the said cancelled hotel, I'd hired several and highly professional ones in the current hotel."

"You're one creepy beast."

"Yeah, yeah. You have the waitress, the room services and oh, my favourite, the tour guide." I smirked, watching the tourist ensuite on my iPad.

I'm loving this already and the fun is yet to begin.

"Show me the tat." Enrique tried to reach under my dress shirt again but I swatted his hand away.  It was Tuesday afternoon, and we were in bed, discussing tattoos until my fat mouth chose that moment to meddle.

"I'm just capping, not a single portion of my skin is inked." Contrary to what I told him, I indeed had a scorpion tattoo on my left glute, but he doesn't need to know that. Though it still astounded me that he claimed to be clueless about it when I was always almost in less whenever we were together.

He scoffed, not buying into my lies "We're roommates, you know that right?"


"You're human and most definitely need sleep." I was lost as to what he was hinting at until that signature smirk stretched on his lips. No, he wouldn't dare.

"Creep on me and your little friend will isolate your body." His eyes widened and he raised his arms in surrender, uncontrollably shaking with laughter.

My phone beeped with a text, but I didn't bother checking it, however, knowing who it was and the reason for the message.

"They're set?" I nodded in confirmation of Enrique's question. We left the room to where the bus was parked outside the entrance, waiting for us.

"I hope you didn't forget the rubber." Kabia blurted, making Bia pinch his ear.

"You're a treasure, Bia." I blew her a kiss. Enrique gave me a light kiss before excusing himself to the guys, and I took that as my cue to sit on Severina's lap.

"Stop making the seats useless Phina, and get your fat ass off me." She groaned.

"Y'all need to stop calling her fat. The girl is literally my skeleton." Miskha chastised.

"I'm not so sure about that." Zara chimed in.

"Where's the rest?" I asked, ignoring the trouble magnet. If she doesn't feel sorry for her still healing face, I'll be humane enough.

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