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Billie Eilish: I love you👆

~Nothing is consistent in life. Even your own brain momentarily abandons you in exam~

Blood-splattered is the fitting description for the scene. The pool spotted a deep red colouration from blood uncontrollably oozing out of the open gash on Sophia's left rib. I supposed from being alerted, Miskha threw the knife as if it were contaminated and raised her bloodied hands to her face, staring at them in utmost confusion. She turned them around several times and looked at the crowd with mouth agape, and eyes the size of saucers.

It's obvious she wasn't herself and was having a hard time trying to digest everything. The crowd, which once stood close to the scene, drew back. Circumventing Miskha's bloodied figure.

"I didn't kill her." She blabbered, moving closer to me. My mind screamed for me to move, but my legs remained glued on spot, working on their own accord.

"Please, stay back!" Severina sobbed. Avoiding Miskha was hurting her, but I understood she did it for security protocols. After all, Miskha did allegedly commit one of the worst crimes in the world, homicide.

"What happ...holy shit!" Maya wheezed.

A vague sound of sirens could be heard in the distance, and it grew louder with time. My best guess was either the Paramedics or police, but I wasn't bewildered either when both cars simultaneously sped in through the entrance and parked approximately a metre away from the crime scene.

The Paramedics were the first to rush out with a stretcher, followed by the NYPD's in their defence gears.

"Miss, step away from the body and raise your arms above your head. You have the right to remain silent or anything you do or say can and may be used against you in the court of law. " There goes the infamous Miranda warning that I've always dreaded in my entire life of existence, now being used against one of my best friends.

Someone bumped into me from behind, sending me almost crashing to the ground but for Enrique's firm grip on my hips. I looked up and saw Ahmed kneeling beside Sophia's limp body. His shoulders shook violently as he sobbed and held onto the stretcher. Kabia gently detached his hands and comforted him while the Paramedics wheeled Sophia away.

At the other end, Miskha's head was pressed against the hood of the police car with her hands cuffed behind.

"I didn't kill her! You have to believe me!" She cried while being cautiously pushed into the back of the vehicle, accompanied by two officers.

The FBI investigators arrived later in the feud, and the female ducked under the barricade tape to the crime scene. Judging from her behaviour and dress code, you could tell she's the lead investigator. And that face though looks so familiar.

"It's the lady who interrogated you at the hospital, post the poisoning fiasco." Severina filled into my thoughts. I knew her face was familiar but was having a hard time decoding where I saw it. They took several pictures and briefly interrogated a few students before leaving.

"Kabia texted, they're going to Bellevue hospital," Aisha informed.

"We could ride in my truck. C'mon, there's no time." Asher rushed.

"Wait, I'm not decent." Bia pointed to her short shorts and cropped halter top. I rolled my eyes and yanked her tiny arms, ignoring her protests. The ride to the hospital was quiet halfway into the journey until Maya broke the silence.

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