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~People who don't care will never let you know;
they simply don't ~

"When should we set the fog?"

"You'll have to wait for my command." I ran my knife's edge on the grinder one more time before switching off the machine.




"On it."

"Evacuate once you receive my signal. We'll intercept at the base."

"Got it."


"What should we do with the body?"

"Did I mention anything relating to the aftermath?"

"No, ma'am."

"Then shut up and do as ordered, unless you want your head replacing the contents of the package."

"Yes, ma'am."



"Oh my God! he didn't just twerk." I adjusted on the bed to get a better view of the video.

"He just did."

"Markell is something else, and the way the thing jiggles. He puts thee stallion to shame." I've never seen a guy with so much sass before.

"He makes tik tok lively. He and the hype house crew."

"But he owned all the attention. "I laughed, not having enough of the trio. Cassidy, Markell and Noah are real vibes.

"I've saved tons of their videos. Wanna see some?"

"And how many of mine have you saved?"I smirked. He had three albums of my videos and didn't mention anything to me. Today, the cat will topple out of the box.

He scratched the back of his neck and ran a finger through his already dishevelled hair. I was tempted to laugh in his face but didn't want to make him more uncomfortable than he already was.

"Justfouralbums." huh?

"What? can you repeat that more slowly?" My ears must be playing tricks.

He groaned and ran a hand down his flushed face. Was he that embarrassed?

"Just four albums." What?! I stared at him, stunned. With my mouth agape.

"You call that just!" I laughed

"Babe, not now, please. " He grumbled and buried his face under the pillow. I jumped on him and covered us with the blanket.

"That much obsession huh?" I smirked. He removed his head and gave me a once over, licking his lips. Pervert.

"Of all the dresses you own, this is my favourite and I pray you continue wearing it."

I glared at him and removed my head from under the blanket, covering my naked form to the chest.

"Why did you do that? I wasn't done staring." He pouted.

"Why shouldn't I?"

"No one denies kids candy you know."

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