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~It's okay to not be okay~

"Stop crying Phina, she'll be okay." Maya comforted.

"She..she..told me she was going to keep it. I didn't know she was fooling us." I sobbed, unable to keep my emotions at bay.

I'd called Asher the instant I saw Tiffany's unconscious form in a pool of blood, and what astounded me is the fact that Asher had been at home but never for once knew what was transpiring at the other side of the door.
We called Severina on our way to the hospital and she reached in no time, along with some of our friends.

"Here, drink this." Kabia handed me bottled water. I gulped down a generous amount to soothe my sore throat.

"Haven't you warned her on the dangers of Abortion?" Asher exasperated.

"No." My response was short and curt.

"Why! she's fift...

"Because she told us she was gonna keep it, Asher! Stop trying to blame shit on me!"

"I'll blame it on you, Seraphina! If you were vigilant enough and not so focused on your failed-ass modelling life, then shit wouldn't have gotten this far!" He backlashed.

Tears stung my eyes from his harsh words, but I refused to succumb to the emotions bubbling inside me.

"That's not fair. You've absolutely no right to drag my personal life into this.

If anything, you're one to be blamed because as the eldest sibling, rather than going around screwing girls like some cursed casanova, your family's safety should be your priority!"

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me Seraphina!"

We'd grabbed unwanted attention at this point, but embarrassment was the least of my worries. Asher had this attitude of always wanting to dictate people's lives
and I'd bore it for so long, but that stops today.

"I'll raise it as much as I want! If you have a problem with that then go suck some c**t. Not like you haven't anyway!"

"What the fuck did you just say?" He menaced in a dangerously low tone, advancing towards me.

"Whoa, whoa, cool man. Look, I don't want to meddle in your family matter but think about what you're intending to do." Enrique hit his chest, standing in between us.

"Don't you ever hit a lady, man? I mean, it's downright wrong to even consider it, let alone do it," Nathan added.

"If you think I'll back down, then you've got something else coming."

"I have ended talking Seraphina, okay, and I suggest you do the same unless you want your mouth remodified. "

"It's my Fucking mouth Asher Del Varia! my fucking life. Take your fucking threats and shove them up you fucking A**hole!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and out of frustration, launched my shoe at him.

"I'll kill you." He pushed Enrique to the side and swung his fist. I raised my arms in defence but was astonished when I felt no impact on them. Gasps vented from the room, and I reopened my eyes, only for a sharp breath to escape my lungs.

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