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~The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home~

Photograph by Ed Sheeran👆

Ever been in a situation where you can't decipher your feelings? Like that moment when you're being hit with different waves of emotion, to a point of no return? That's exactly how I felt as I stared at Tyler. The guy who broke my heart into million pieces without a sting of remorse.

Tyler is a dark-skinned American. 6'5, striking hazel eyes, dark hair and a perfectly sculpted face. He has a body to die for, perks of being a football player. His smile, although rare, could sweep any girl off her feet, especially with those straight, pearly, white teeth. He's drop-dead attractive but too bad, the personality tainted everything.

I rolled my eyes and got up, dusting away imaginary dirt from my jeans. God, I hate feeling this way around him, but it's just inevitable.

Tyler had that intimidating aura that tends to make guys five times heftier than him to cower down, so what more of a tiny twenty-one-year-old girl?

It was a staring contest now, with me leaning on one foot and hands-on my propped hip.

I raised a quizzical brow at him. "Yes?"

The silence was irritating me but Tyler couldn't care less as he continued shamelessly ogling at me. Old habits indeed die hard.

I went to walk away but he gripped my arm and yanked me back in front of him.

" You didn't change a bit."
I cocked my head to the side in confusion. What does that mean?

"Same old Seraphina." He smirked and leaned on the wall behind him.

"What? were you expecting me to become trash after you left me for that bitch?" I don't know why I said this but it felt so good letting it out. Especially right in his face.

"I can see that you're more vocal now. The break-up sure groomed you into a motivational speaker." He winked. I suddenly regretted what I previously said. He made me look like a complete fool.

"So, what now? you wanna laugh in my face? go ahead, do it.  Just a piece of advice though, I'm not the same girl anymore. So, my sympathy if you think your words will move a hair on my body." I was trying my best not to succumb to the emotions.

"And still a very bad liar." But damn, he knew me better than my parents.

"You're no better than a manwh...

" Woah, careful there hun. It's still the same Tyler yeah. I don't tolerate insults and you know it, so I'd be more cautious if I were you."

I remained silent after the warning bells went off and yes, it's out of fear. Unlike most guys, Tyler's pretty violent and when he gets mad, nothing matters anymore. He just needs that outlet to let everything out on. Whether you're male or female, he doesn't care. Tyler's been battling anger management his entire life.

"This chit-chat is boring me to death so I'll just cut to the chase. Why did you hit Zara?"

The fact that he still took me as trash after two years broke something in me, but I remained neutral. I won't let some boneheaded ex bring my walls down.

" I want to believe I'm not talking to a bookshelf. "

Old memories came crashing down, rendering me tongue-tied. I couldn't help the pang of hurt I felt at the mention of Zara. The fact that she still owned the spotlight after so many years. This was one of those rare days when I'll be full-on hating on myself, and going over the countless reasons I shouldn't be born to this evil planet.

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