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Katy Perry: Unconditionally👆

~Never compare yourself to anyone because there's always got to be that person with more of everything ~

The ticking of the clock, combined with the tapping of Mrs Smith's heels on the floor wasn't helping my nerves in any way. It was the most annoying sound in the history of annoyance.

"If she taps those God-awful thrift store heels one more time, I'll lose it." Mom lowly mumbled. I bit my lip to refrain myself from cracking up since I was surrounded by high profile personnel.

My dad on the other side looked like he'll disappear sometime soon. Boredom was prominent on his face. Unlike my assumption that they'll flip shit and go ballistic upon knowing the incident, they unexpectedly handled the situation pretty lightly. Although my mom lashed out a bit, it lasted no more than two minutes.

In a nutshell, they didn't look the least bit fazed by the tight scowls on the faces of the board members. If anything, they both appeared wearier than bothered. Some parents I have, not that I'm complaining though.

The door opened and the chairman walked in, followed by Mr Harts. He took his seat at the head of the table and folded his hands.

"Good day, Mr and Mrs Del Varia. " He greeted. Dad only nodded in acknowledgement, and mom barely twitched her lips. He opened a folder and adjusted his glasses to the bridge of his nose.

"My committee and I, with helping hands from the CIA had carried out thorough investigations on the Seraphina Del Varia case. I hereby pledge on my honour that we've come to a precise and solid verdict. "

I held my breath and instinctively held onto my mother's hand. I felt her stiffen but gradually relaxed and intertwined our fingers. I know it'll be super awkward between us after this, but I don't care. I was on a hot seat and everything but pride matters.

The tension in the room was hidden from no one. Heck, I could even feel the chilly atmosphere at the other side of the door.

"Miss Del Varia...

Please God no, no. I shut my eyes tight and applied pressure on my mom's fingers.

"With effective from now, you're hereby e...

A screeching sound interrupted the chairman.

"What the fuck is that?" Mom cussed, looking around her like everyone else. Distinct murmurs could be heard outside as well.

"The projector." Mr Bolton pointed in a daze. I looked up and gasped, my lower jaw almost hitting the table.

The huge screen displayed a clear footage of Madeline dressed in all black. She appeared behind the porter in the Examination building and hit him hard on the head with a baseball bat.

"Jesus!" Mrs Robert shrieked.

She dragged him to the room where the bags were kept and placed his palm on the security lock. The door slid open and she rushed in, appearing seconds later with a bag in hand, not just any bag, but my bag!. She closed the door and dragged the unconscious guy to his seat, laying his head on the table. Smooth and clean, Woah. She removed an object from her pocket, but I couldn't make out its form.

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