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~Life is a journey with problems to solve, lessons to learn but above all, experiences to enjoy~

"Yet, I still had hope that maybe our luckiest shot would be at the hospital. I mixed another portion of the poison, with Nutella this time around, and gave it to Quin. As expected, he fucked up, again. Yes Q, you did. Don't give me that look."

She stopped by Asher's seat and sat on the table, tracing his jaw with her nails. Asher turned his head to the side, only for her to violently yank it back.

"I faced endless failures because of you, Seraphina. But the one which made me cry was the Starbucks mission. There I lost one billion dollars. Hefty, ain't it?

I blamed that on Zara though, since the bitch couldn't mind her business and let people drink in peace. Anyway, it wasn't bad after all, as Rebecca was finally able to detect the rat sabotaging our missions. And who else but the mighty Zara Mahmat.

Girl, we knew you were the biggest threat all along, but Quin for once came up with the smart plan to ignore you and play clueless. That way, suspicions won't raise on our part.

I wanted to kill you so bad! I desperately craved your blood! but then the great Becca here, came up with yet another masterpiece. Keeping your circle small. And boy, was she right?

After some digging into Sophia's past, I found out just what I needed to get rid of three people at a go. Sophia, Ahmed and Miskha.

Sophia and Ahmed were a child's place. An amnesia pill mixed with two dozes of viagra was all that's needed to throw them into the past, and awaken those pent-up sexual desires.

The initial plan was to use them to ignite a feud in the group, since it's obvious everyone was going to pick sides, but unfortunately, Sophia had to be a pathetic bitch. So, I got bored and was like, why not just, you her of the burdens of this world." She giggled, winking at me.

"You killed Sophia!" I found my voice for the first time.

"Technically, I did. Although, Rebecca and Jocelyn were the brains behind the plan." Enrique winked, spotting a proud look.

"You're sick" Malu spat, and this resulted in a hard slap from Bia, splitting her lip.

"Be careful there, Malibu. You can insult me all you want, but my recruits won't take it lightly. Rebecca to be specific.

If you don't want to die with a crooked nose, I'd suggest not getting on her bad side. Quin had Masters in martial arts. That's a dead giveaway.

Where was I? Yeah right, so, that night at the party, when I saw Miskha and Sophia lounging at the pool, having the time of their lives. I figured what a perfect moment to execute murder and frame another person. Knowing they won't be leaving anytime soon, I gave Quin the green light.

That's it about Sophia. You know, if I'd known earlier that she was pregnant, I would've just slipped a potion in her drink. That way, both mommy and baby can reunite in the grave." She shrugged and hopped off the table, tracing her finger on the edges. I felt her presence behind me and visibly stiffen.

"After that mission, everything relating to you and your boring ass friends began irking me, so I resorted to the family instead. Tiffany Del Varia, the rising heartbreaker. Guess the slutty gene runs in the family huh." She bit my earlobe and licked the side of my face, making me cringe in disgust.

"For little Del Varia, heroin and Zach did the work. Slipped her drink, raped, and impregnate. Smooth and easy. A seventeen-year-old accomplished a mission in three simple steps. You're a disgrace, Quin."

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