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Shayne Ward: Breathless👆

~If your enemies stopped hating; then you ain't progressing~

My eyes darted back and forth between the arguing duo seconds away from ripping each other's throats. It's been a day after the fatal incident and thank God, I was alive and kicking. Except some people couldn't think the same.

"Listen, Asher, I'm not denying that it's an accident but what I'm telling you, is that the nail wasn't in the boat prior to our boarding." Maya reasoned.

"You're ridiculous, Maya." Severina scoffed.

"Delusional is the word." Asher sniggered.

"Hold onto your assumptions and I'll do the same with mine but everyone knows the boat floor was clearer than a transparent glass. Unless the nail magically teleported from the seventh hell."

Stolen glances were exchanged after Maya's remark, and an aura of suspense blanketed the atmosphere.

"That hippo would've crushed you if not fo...

"Um, how do you feel now Phina?" Enrique cut into Miskha's statement.

"Okay. " I croaked, clearing my throat.

"What happened?" I asked no one in particular. I looked down and noticed I was in fresh clothes.

"I changed you." Severina filled into my troubling thoughts.

"You got pierced by a nail, tripped and fell into the water." Miskha revoked in a bored tone, as though it was the most ordinary thing on earth.

"Is she aw..thank God." Aisha rushed to my side and started feeling my face. I smiled and held her hands in mine.

"I'm so sorry. I never intended for the trip to end this way." Her eyes pooled.

"What are exactly are you sorry for? it was an accident, okay, and it'll mean the world to me if this issue is dropped." I addressed the last part to everyone.

"Well, the good part is our flight takes off at three pm tomorrow. " Enrique declared.

"I don't want to leave." Miskha feigned sadness, wiping away imaginary tears.

"You could always stay." Bia scoffed.

"Careful with me, Latina." Miskha kicked Bia's shin given that they were next to each other.

The door opened and a tray appeared, shortly followed by Khadija, dressed in a black chiffon dress. Looking elegant as always.

"Hi." She greeted with her award-winning smile, positioning the tray at the centre.

"Hey, gorgeous. " Nathan winked, making the young girl blush.

"Your lunch." She ducked her head and rushed out, Nathan following closely behind.

"Boys will always be boys. Young, dumb and broke." Severina sighed.

"And girls will always be girls. Young, hot and bold." Ace whispered, staring at Severina dead in the eye. Ace was doing great trying to show Severina his intentions without coming off clingy. Severina, however, maintained her neutrality. Either she's oblivious to Ace's advances or was very good at pretending.

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