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Khalid ft SZA, PostM: Homemade Dynamite👆

~Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals~
~Henry Ford.

I sprinkled on some perfume and applied lip gloss before leaving the bathroom. I adjusted my cropped sweatshirt and slipped on a pair of heeled boots. It's freezing cold outside. I slung my bag pack and descended the stairs, to the dining room. My siblings were already seated, having breakfast.

"Phina, how do you want your pancakes? with or without syrup?" Severina asked while flipping pancakes in the frying pan.

Since when does she cook? We'll die in this house before our parents return.

"I'm on a two-month keto."

"Why?" Asher asked through a mouthful of food. Again. He was the reason Tiffany was adapting the same habit.

"Asher, don't talk with food in your mouth."

"Just fry or whatever your pancakes. Yes, why are you on a carb-free diet?"
Unless he swallows those chunks of food, I'm not going to respond.

"Phina, I'm tal...oww! the fuck was that for, Severina?...oww! the hell?... Severina stop!" He yelped, moving away from the table.

"Number one, never talk with food in your mouth. Number two, never curse in front of your siblings." Severina aimed the spatula at him again, but he was quick to dodge this time.

"I didn't curse."

"Yes, you did. You said fu...

Tiffany was interrupted by a murderous glare from Severina.

"Complete it, and I'll kill you."

She glided an imaginary zip on her lips and pretended to dispose it before returning to her food.

"So, what will you eat Phina?"

"Don't stress it. I'll just grab a protein shake on my way." Don't get me wrong. Hunger was spanking my ass but I'd rather starve to death than eat Severina's food. The girl had no experience or whatsoever in the kitchen. I didn't miss the grimace on Tiffany's face as she forced the pancake down her throat. Don't ask me about Asher, you could bake a snail for all I care and the guy will eat it. He doesn't say no to food. "That's disrespect to the cook," he said, and I quote.

"Perfect Idea, because God knows I can't make anything other than gluten-free pancakes."

Was I wrong?

"Rina, you're not even dressed. Aren't you going to school today?"  She shook her head in response to my question.

"Nope. No class for a week."
I forgot she'd written her midterm a few days back.

"And you Tiffany?"

"I'll drop her off," Severina answered.

"Let's go, Phina." I bid them goodbye before following Asher to his car.

"Your passenger's side door creaks a lot." I hate noise and this damned car seemed to be merely making that lately. Asher should just get rid of it already. It's been years. How stingy was this boy?

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