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Little Mix: Salute👆

~A friend has the same enemies as you have~
~Abraham Lincoln.

"It's only been days babe."

"So? I still miss you." I pouted. I haven't seen Enrique for a day now. His parents decided to keep him to themselves.

"Just tell the old woman to let you go already. What does she need you for anyway?"

"I'll ignore the fact that you just referred to my mother as old. The same reason you need me for." He chuckled.

"So you mean to say your mother needs you for sex?" 

What else could she have possibly needed him for? What did I just tell Enrique?

"Oh my God." I facepalmed after my own words registered on my mind.

"Are you indirectly offering me sex?" I blushed and hid behind my hair. This idiot turned the tables on me.

"You've gone quiet babe, sup?" He laughed. Asswipe.

"Shoot." A beep sounded in the background at the same time Enrique cursed.

"Sorry babe, I gotta go. Battery's ran down."

"Okay later then."

I hung up and took my keys out of my handbag, opening the door. I returned to campus pretty late given that my mom assigned me to help Peyton with some paperwork. I closed the door and hung my bag on the rag screwed at the top right corner of the door before taking an orange juice from the fridge. Upon turning around, I was taken aback by the sight that awaited me. The carton of juice slipped from my hands and my blood ran cold.
While Zara's side of the room appeared neat, mine was a complete wreck.

The lock on the closet was broken and my clothes laid scattered everywhere.  My study desk's drawer hung open with files, books and papers sticking out. The bedsheet was torn and some portions of it were stained in red. I drew closer and inspected it, only for a shrill scream to escape my lips. A dead cat!?

Attached to the lifeless animal was a yellow sticky paper. I closed my eyes and swiftly yanked it.

You'll travel together. Where the words scribbled down on the note.

I sat on the bed and caged my head in my hands, heavily breathing. Goosebumps covered my entire body. Who could have been here? I could clearly remember locking the door. I couldn't draw any concrete conclusion at this point. Nothing made sense. As if on cue, my Dad's words started replaying in my head.

"It's for your safety Seraphina."

"There's a high possibility of someone following you."

What if Dad was right? Could someone possibly be on my tracks? If so, what could they possibly want from me? Most importantly, why me?

Different thoughts navigated my head. A pounding headache building on spot. I took my phone and snapped pictures of the scene before sending them to Maya. I can't continue the hiding anymore. Things were spiralling out of control.

This was more than a mere coincidence now.

Was it though? Was I being paranoid? Was this a prank?

My best bet was that my friends planned this stunt. Yup, it's most definitely them. I could remember we planned the same thing for Maya junior year.

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