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~The trust of the innocent, is the liar's most useful tool~
~Sun Tzu

Rita Ora: Anywhere 👆

"Who could've done this?"

"I don't know either but, I'm certain it wasn't a coincidence."

I heard distinct voices in my head and my eyes slowly flickered open.

"She's awake! Dad, she's awake!" A voice exclaimed and it was then my vision fully adjusted to my surrounding. From the ceiling to the walls, everything was white and when I tried to move, I felt as though a huge block was placed on me. I craned my neck to the side and realised that I was hooked to multiple machines.

A white door on the far right corner of the room busted open and a doctor with few nurses rushed in, attending to me. I was confused for a bit until everything crashed down on me. I was in a hospital. The cafeteria, the milk, the odd feeling, oh my God. The memory was still fresh.

I attempted to sit up but exhaled deeply when I felt a stabbing pain in my stomach.

"Help her! She's in pain! I swear if anything happens to my daughter your job will pay the price!" A familiar voice growled. I turned my head to the source and saw dad with my siblings, surrounding the doctor.

"Water." I croaked, my voice dried up.

"Somebody get water, Lindsey?"

"On it doctor. "

The nurse arrived shortly with a glass of water, which I gulped down in no time. I closed my eyes, trying to fight the pending headache.

"Dad." I faintly breathed, but I guessed he must've heard it, for he emerged at my side in a flash.

"I'm here baby girl." He softly kissed my knuckles.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there to save you." His voice cracked. Although exhausted and numb, I still managed to give him a weak smile.

"It's not your fault."

"Her heart rate and blood pressure are okay, but I'm afraid the immune system had gotten a lot weaker than expected." The doctor informed.

"What does that mean?" Asher asked. Severina and Tiffany stood behind him with puffy eyes.

"The poison isn't completely neutralized, and hence the bacteria is rapidly invading her immune system, making it vulnerable to any possible infection from anything she consumed in the past nine hours."

"Fuck." Asher cussed.

"Will I die?" It was best I know now, to save myself from the trauma.

The doctor shook his head with a small smile.

"You won't dear. We will try our best, but I can't guarantee you any positive result for now."  I nodded in understanding. Tiffany wept so hard to the point where Severina was requested to take her outside. I hate seeing my family this way and mostly felt guilty, knowing I was responsible for it.

With the help of the nurses, the doctor hooked me off all machines except the IV, after which they left with dad. Leaving me behind with Asher.

"Hey." He smiled and kissed my forehead.

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