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~Their lives their POV. Your life your business. No crossed boundaries, no problem.~

Stony silence plastered the walls of the spacious room. Not even a breathless hush was heard. Even Abigail looked uneasy as she relentlessly squirmed in her booster seat. Mom inhaled sharply, looking from Tiffany who was paling by the second to the test.

"Where exactly did you find it?"

"On the toilet counter when I was cleaning," Stella muttered, scared to meet my mom's heated gaze.

"Thanks. You may leave." She curtsied and scurried off.

"What does the test say, mom?" Sapphire cautioned. At this point, everyone knew she was a ticking time bomb, bound to go off any minute. Dad remained surprisingly quiet, eating his food and not looking the least bit bothered.

"Positive," Mom mumbled. Tiffany hyperventilated, her erratic breathing getting louder.

"I won't ask you for an explanation Tiffany."

Tiffany stared at each of our faces, mortified. Travis gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and nodded.

"I..I...I'm so sorry, mom." She sobbed, tears streaming down her cheeks. My heart broke for her. I can't bring myself to imagine what she must've gone through. Bizarre, but I somehow felt guilty. If only we'd been present half of the time, things wouldn't have taken a wrong turn downhill. We were so invested in ourselves to the point of neglecting our own family.

Mom sighed and wiped under her eyes, excusing herself from the table. Unless you're very dense, one shouldn't be in oblivion of Tiffany's condition. If not for her apology, the test said it all anyway.

"Since when?" Dad calmly asked. This was the first time he showed some kind of interest in the conversation.

"I don't remember." Tiffany sniffed, wiping her puffy eyes.

"Do you mean to tell us you don't remember having sex?" He maintained the same calm tone.

"Yes, Dad. I only remembered attending a house party but everything from then on is vague." Really, Tiffany?

"Abigail is the only toddler here, okay. I want you to quit the games and tell us who the father to that cheap trash you're carrying is."

"Sapphire!" Travis exclaimed in horror.

"Can you at least wait for her to land? Severina lashed out. Sapphire's words were harsh and crude.

"Tiffany, for the last time, who impregnated you?"

"Trust me, Dad, if I knew I would have told you. What's there to hide anyway? it's a done deal. " Tiffany's eyes, although bloodshot, still held a generous amount of sincerity.

"Do you mean to say you were raped?" Asher asked the million-dollar question of the day.

"I don't know Ash, everything's just a blur." She whimpered, her shoulders slumping in defeat.

"Tiffany, this is a serious allegation. " Travis reminded.

"I'm not stupid okay. I know what I'm telling you."

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