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~If you don't know how to live, why wonder about death?~

"Amandla Stenberg is so pretty."
Maya gushed.

"Yeah tell me about it. It's the hair for me though." I added in agreement.

Apparently, Maya's version of computer lessons was watching movies on Netflix.

"Who's Amandla Sternberg again?" I looked at Miskha as though she'd grown a pair.

"Weren't you the one who chose the movie?" Maya wondered.

"Well excuse me for having an interest in only Nick Robinson. "

We chatted our way to the locker room, where we changed into our volleyball gears and headed to the court. Some of our teammates were already present. Maya's phone rang and she excused herself at the same time I spotted Severina at the other side of the net, batting a ball. I jogged over to where she was and skillfully snatched the ball from her hands.

"Is that a challenge?"

I smirked and twirled the ball in between my fingers.

"Do I have to voice it out to you?"

"Very well then, on with it Lil sis."

"And how about you showcase this "challenge" of yours on the court." Miss Wilson, our volleyball coach interjected from behind me. People need to stop popping out of nowhere.

"Now?" Severina asked.

"Why not? It's going to be a match today Anyway."

"Really? who're we playing against?" I could barely contain my excitement. Test matches were and are always my favourites. I get to openly display my skills and improve on some techniques.

"Amongst ourselves duh, who else?" Severina sighed.

"So which team gets to start first?"

"It always starts with a volley Maya." Miss Wilson replied.

"You've got to be kidding me." Maya's mouth hung agape as she stared straight ahead.

The words died in my mouth when I looked towards the entrance.

Advancing towards us were Zara and her minions in their inappropriate gears, comprising of tight spandex shorts and tank top. The guys' wolf-whistled from the bleachers, gawking at their figures in display.

"Oh, there they're. You'll be playing against them." Miss Wilson chirped. Impossible.

"Since when does She play volleyball? She's a dancer I thought?" I can't remember ever hearing Zara talk about volleyball, let alone play it. Her minions, yes, those I can personally attest to because we all play in the same team for nationals. Zara? no. Never in a lifetime.

"Yes, she's a dancer but you'll be surprised to know that she's a very talented volleyball player too. Her skills and moves are show-stopping." The manner in which Miss Wilson talked about Zara surged a sudden bolt of jealousy in me.

"Guess lying comes off as second nature to her." Malu snarled and I couldn't agree more. Zara's been lying to me my entire life.

"We can't tell firsthand if she'd lied because Phina isn't saying anything so," Severina argued, tying her shoelaces.

"But I thought she told you back then she wasn't interested in volleyball when y'all were friends, ain't it Seraphina?" Maya asked, confused.

"Not uninterested Maya, but hate. She said and I quote "volleyball's not my thing, I legit hate it." I couldn't overcome my shocking senses.

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