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Dance like we making love by Ciara👆

~Where so ever you go, go with all your heart ~

"Lift your chin. Tilt your head slightly to the side."


"Perfect. Now do it again but this time with your left pointer finger on your chin."


"Fantastic, and we're done."

I thanked Michael, one of my Mom's many photographers with a tired smile. I was so exhausted.

I was woken up at 7 am by the house help, Stella, on my mom's orders. I didn't even have the chance to eat a single bread crumb. I was so rushed by my mom during the preparation, half of which we spent quarrelling.

I looked at my reflection on the mirror and took out my hydrated face wipe from my carry-on bag, wiping my lips. I cringed at the sight of my plain glossless lips which were dried up and chapped from starvation.

I sometimes wonder if it's all worth it. The diets, the frequent detoxing and endless workouts. I wish I could live a normal life. Not having to stress over my looks, body and the types of foods I consume. It hurts to admit but destiny's inevitable and this lifestyle chose me. Leaving me option less, except to put up with the obstacles which came along with it. I just wish it could be easier.

"Ma'am's ready for you Seraphina." Peyton, my mom's lifelong supermodel and only friend in the magazine called, ending my train of thoughts. She's an Eritrean beauty with sleek-black pin-straight hair and a body to die for.

"Thanks, Peyton, I'll be out in a few."
She nodded and offered me an encouraging smile which I returned with a small one of my own. We weren't that close and the only times we interacted were during shoots.

I packed my stuff before heading out to meet my mom in her office located on the last floor of the seventy-story building. I entered the almost crowded elevator and leaned my head on the wall, patiently waiting. I was on the verge of dozing off until the damned thing chose that moment to reach its destination. I walked up to the receptionist, Susan, and greeted her. We chatted for a while before she was ordered to send me in. I was about to knock on the hard timber door but was interrupted by the hushed yells coming from the other side.

"Never have I felt so disappointed in my entire life before."

"It'll be taken care of ma'am, just some time is nee...

"Time is what I don't have Michael! I want it evicted now!"

"But ma...


"Sure, ma'am."

"Good, you may see yourself out."

I feel sorry for whoever was at the receiving end of those insults. I raised my knuckles to knock again but the door flew open, revealing a very flushed Michael. I smiled at him but he averted his gaze and stormed off. I shrugged and walked in, not forgetting to close the door behind me.

I took in the all too familiar view of the office. From the huge hexagonal-shaped mahogany desk to the ceiling to floor window which outlook to the skyline. The endless bookshelves lining one end of the white walls and the long leather couch were my favourites. Anyone would've been mesmerized by such a sight because all hatred aside, mom's office was one hell of a glamour. However, living with her had gotten me so used to the sight that it looks nothing more than an ordinary bedroom to me.

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