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~A friend is, as it were, a second self~

Beyonce: Run the world👆

"Bia pass me the ketchup please." Miskha requested. She almost finished the entire bottle.

"How come you're stick-thin?" Enrique asked.

"Tell me about it." Nathan chuckled.

Miskha wasn't the least bit fazed by the conversation going on about her. If anything, she was more invested in the mountain of fries on the table.

"This place beautiful. " Bia mumbled, looking around.

"Just like you princessa." Kabia rasped out. Bia lowered her head, hiding her flushed face.

Kabia doesn't hide his feelings for Bia. Being the blunt freak that he's, he warned all the other jocks to back off from the Italian beauty. Bia's the prettiest in the school, with her natural, waist-length, platinum blonde hair and coal-black eyes. The girl could pass as Miss universe without breaking a sweat. She's the epitome of beauty and doesn't even know it. For she's too shy, although, equally savage.

"You'll be the death of the girl you douchebag." Severina smacked him upside the head and the result was a guttural groan.

"Who else here thinks that Severina should be married to Kabia?" Leila asked.

"Our house will be the lounging area for paramedics," Severina smirked, chewing on a piece of lettuce.

"But why Rina?" Kabia pouted. Bia laughed at his facial expression and he gave her a genuine smile in return.
I inwardly cooed at the brief romantic exchange between them. I sometimes wish Kabia wasn't such a playboy and Bia wasn't too shy. They'd make a perfect couple. The bad boy and the good girl. Ugh, Wattpad days.

"Because you wouldn't change and I'll kill you." Severina mused.

"What are you thinking about?" Enrique whispered in my ear.

"Just wishing the Kabia ship will sail sometime soon." He intertwined our fingers and brought it up to his lips, kissing my knuckles. Such a romantic.

"I love you," I whispered

"And I love you."

"Not them again." Lalia huffed and for a moment I thought she was referring to Enrique and I until I saw everyone's attention turned to a couple few tables away from ours. Zara and Tyler. How awesome.

Zara was cackling loudly at something Tyler whispered in her ear. I suppressed myself from rolling my eyes at their childish antics and averted my gaze.

" I hate this bitch." Maya seethed, eyeing them with distaste.

"And what in God's name is she wearing? who pairs a bodycon dress with sneakers?" Miskha exclaimed, rather loudly.

"Miskha." Sophia whisper-yelled, laughing. We couldn't contain our amusement and as a result, the couple's attention redirected to our table. Hats off to team Miskha once again.

Zara whispered something in Tyler's ear and he nodded. She looked at me and smirked before getting up, majestically walking her way to our table. I only hope this isn't what I think it's.

It's exactly what you think it is bitch, my subconscious chimed in, but I pushed her to the back of my head.

The witch sat on the empty seat beside Nathan, just adjacent to Miskha.

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