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Zayn Malik: Pillowtalk👆

~To live means to fight~

It was a full-on ambush.

Following their attack were series of gunshots fired.

Adrenaline was the legal drug of the day.

Thankfully, Zara used the opportunity to free our wrists from the skin cutting metallic cuffs.

"Over here, c'mon," Asher whispered.
We held onto one another and ducked under the table. Our only source of protection at the time.

"You guys stay right here. Imma go give the team a hand." Zara rushed.

"What! no! are you crazy? Can't you see it's world war four out there?" I pulled her down.

She held my face and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"I've got on bulletproof.  I'll be back before you know it."

She got up to leave but I held onto her hand.

"Promise?" I held my pinky out. This was our childhood routine.

"Promise." She breathed out, locking her pinky with mine.

I watched with a heavy heart as she delved into the battlefield.
After an hour of gunshots and grenades being thrown, deep stillness took over.

"Team Alpha?" A weak voice croaked from what sounded like an intercom.

"Clear. " Another voice affirmed.

"Team beta?"

"Clear. "

A masked figure suddenly ducked under the table, making an involuntary shrill escape my throat.

He chuckled and removed his mask.

"You can come out. The coast is clear."

We got out from under the table and true to Mark's words, Maya and her team were bounded on cuffs, surrounded by NYPD's.

To ensure our safety, the defence officers escorted us outside.

Tears rained down my cheeks the minute waves of fresh air wafted through my nostrils. Two hours back if someone had told me that I'll live to see the next sunset, I would've laughed in their faces.

Outside was jam-packed. NYPD, LAPD, FBI, CIA, paramedics and aircrafts centred the huge mansion. If you think that's just about it, then you haven't spotted the huge crowd at the entrance, behind the barricade tape. Amongst them were the press, paparazzi and general public. The blaring of sirens could be heard a hundred metres from the crime scene.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to hazel orbs piercing my soul with so much intensity than I could contain. I don't know what came over me, but I wasn't thinking when I threw myself at Tyler. He looked taken aback for a brief period but was quick to recover and wrapped his strong arms around me.

My emotion tap chose that moment to break open. Everything I'd kept bottled for the past years crashed down on me. Tyler held me close to his chest, rubbing soothing circles on my back as I broke down.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I sobbed, staring at him from under my wet lashes.

"Shhh. You have nothing to be sorry for. "He kissed my forehead.

I kept my head laid on his hard chest and closed my eyes, a sense of calmness washing over me. At that moment, I realised it's only in his arms I feel this much secured.

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