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Song: Khalid: Better👆

~My blanket is my best friend because it's the only thing that clings when the rest of the world detaches~

"You still won't give me the Advil?"


"Phina my head will burst."

"That's the intention. Next time you'll think twice before drinking on a school night."

Kabia groaned and laid his head on the hard desk. Wouldn't this increase the pain? and where was his bag? yeah right, said he misplaced it. Trust Kabia to attend lectures empty-handed. His life is plain honey. 

"How's Bia by the way?"
I didn't miss the way his face hardened at the mention of the Italian beauty.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" They were always together almost all the time. Why was he claiming to be abruptly clueless?

"I mean, I don't know."  Having taken the hint, I didn't bother asking him again. My dignity was hanging on a knife-edge.

"You might want to ask her boyfriend." He sneered. Now I know what this was about. Someone was jealous. Bia and boyfriend though. My life seemed to revolve around surprises lately.

"What boyfriend?"

"I don't know, and don't give a fuck."
Then why are you telling me? I decided to ignore him and focus on the lectures instead.  I felt a nudge on my shoulder but paid the least attention to it. Now he wants to talk.




"Seraphina loo...

"What!" I snapped.

"Let the ladies be Brody." The lecturer scowled, making everyone chuckle.

"That chick over there, who's she?"
Which chick again? Kabia was a pest. I looked in the direction he was pointing at and swallowed. It was the creepy new student I met in the hallway the other day. She looked around and smirked when our eyes met, walking in our direction. Not today girl. I placed my bag on the empty seat between me and Kabia, but the dumbo replaced it with his leg. Pervert.

"Hi, would you mind me sitting with you?" She asked with a smile. She's beautiful. Her dark skin complimented her teeth well.

"Actually som..." I started, only for Kabia to interrupt.

"Not at all." He scooted over, creating enough room for her. Unbelievable! This guy complaint my ears off when I asked him to move to another desk since the class wasn't full.

"I'm Aisha by the way."

"Kabia Brody. Nice name you got there."
I lightly chuckled and shook my head. People get complimented on their names too.


"Anything for a beautiful, black queen." He rasped out. The space between their seats had magically disappeared. Hats off to Kabia.

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