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I snuck onto the ship and crawled through the vents to get to my destination. Because some moron, not gonna name names, decided to be reckless and get himself caught, yet again.

I dropped down in front of his cell and scanned the card, that I had successfully stolen, and the door slid open. "Look at what we have here, I guess I'm here to rescue you again Skywalker," I smirked at him victoriously. He sighed when he saw me and stood up from the metal bench with his wrists held out, most likely for me to remove the force-restraint cuffs, "Pirates? Really?" I scrunched my face at his idiocy. I mean come on, who gets caught by pirates? Oh yeah, morons.

"Just shut up and get these off." He rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"I will," I spoke in a sing-song tone, "After you say that I'm the greatest Jedi." I gave him a smug look and his face scrunched in disgust.

"Fuck no, I would've found my own way out eventually, if you hadn't shown up." He scoffed with his wrists still raised.

I tilted my head as I raised my brows at him, "Oh really now?" I backed up out of the room, so I could scan the card and lock him back inside.

"Damn it (y/n)!" He shouted in anger and I let out an amused chuckle. The sound of his frustration is music to my ears, "Open the door, now." He spoke sternly, obviously trying to intimidate me, but it was far from working.

"Mmm no, I don't think I will," I shrugged, even though he couldn't see it, "Just say that I'm the greatest Jedi." I teased and I heard him groan in irritation, "I hope you know I rigged this ship to explode." I informed him as I checked the timer I had in my pocket. Was it necessary? No, but I had a deep hatred for pirates. The less of them in this galaxy, the better.

"Then we definitely don't have time for this!" He snapped as he banged his hands against the door.

"We do if you talk fast." I tapped my fingers on the metal door.

I heard him sigh in defeat, "You're the greatest Jedi." He let out through gritted teeth.

"Sorry what? I couldn't hear you, speak a little louder." I was just fucking with him at this point. Which has always been my absolute favorite thing to do.

"Oh my god," He spoke in a frustrated tone, I didn't have to see him to know he rolled his eyes heavily, "You're the greatest Jedi!" He practically shouted.

I scanned the card again and the door slid open to reveal his red, angered face. "That wasn't so bad was it?" I smiled as I sliced off his cuffs.


"Barely (y/n), we barely made it out." He sighed angrily as he began pressing buttons to prepare my ship for hyperspace.

I rolled my eyes as I sat in the seat next to him, "We had plenty of time, stop bitching." I don't think a single day has gone by where I didn't hear this man whine or complain about something, even since we were kids.

He looked at me with an irritated glare, "It blew up the second we pulled out of the hangar." He's not wrong, but if he gets to be stupid and reckless, then so do I.

I shrugged, "Well, we would have had more time if you would have said it the first time I asked you to."

He leaned his head back as he looked at the ceiling, I could see him visibly trying to calm himself down. That's the power I always held, I got under his skin like no one else. The same goes for him, with me. That's what happens when you've known someone since you were children; you know every button there is to press, you know every corner of their mind, you practically know everything that makes them tick, "It still amazes me that your Master saw you fit enough to promote you to be a Jedi Knight." He huffed as he brought his head down and stared off into the galaxy ahead of us.

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