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This is a few hours early, consider it my treat ♥️

Ahsoka's POV
Cal and I stood outside of Master Skywalker's room as him, Master Yoda, and Master Kenobi, were inside with (y/n). She stopped crying a few minutes ago and we haven't been able to hear much since, but they told us to stay out here and keep watch until they were done. And then we were allowed to go in and talk to her if she's up for it.

Anakin didn't want a single person coming to the room and disturbing her or bombarding her with any questions. She was in such a fragile state right now and he didn't want anyone to question her like she's an enemy. Which is exactly what I'm sure the council will try and do the second they get their hands on her. So I completely understand why he wants us out here keeping everyone away. Especially since the news somehow got around and we've been directing people away for the past half hour.

Cal sighed as he leaned his shoulder against the wall with his whole body facing me, "Can we talk?" He asked as he laid his head on the wall as well with his eyes glued to me.

I side-eyed him with attitude while I crossed my arms to show him that my feelings were still hurt, "I guess." I responded stubbornly.

He reached his hand forward and gently grabbed ahold of my arm so he could pull me closer to him. And I let him, his touch was too calming not to.

He looked down at me with apologetic eyes, he hasn't even spoken a word yet, but his emerald eyes already made me want to forgive him, "I'm sorry I was so rude to you, I was stressed and I took it out on you when I shouldn't have." He pulled me even closer and placed a hand on my cheek in a loving way. My breath got caught in my throat as I nervously looked around to make sure no one was looking. I don't think he cared though, everyone knew about (y/n) and Anakin now, so I'm sure he's thinking it shouldn't matter if they knew about us too, "Can you please forgive me Ahsoka? I'll even go with you to get all the ice cream you want after this, you have my undivided attention."

I smiled while all my hurts feelings slowly washed away, replaced by butterflies. He was seriously one of the sweetest guys I have ever known, I just need to not worry about him and trust in his pure heart to make the right decisions when it comes to Palpatine. And now that (y/n) is here and safe, he won't be so distracted and things should get better, "Of course I forgive you, as long as you're paying for the ice cream of course." I joked with a light laugh.

He chuckled with a nod before leaning down to kiss me again, but he paused just before he reached me, so his lips were hovering over mine teasingly.

"So, does this mean you're my girlfriend?" He asked in a low whisper. His cold mint breath fanned my face and my heart rate quickened from how close he was to me. Only he could make me this nervous.

"That's depends, would you like me to be your girlfriend?" I questioned with a warm smile, my eyes never leaving his entrancing ones.

He nodded slowly, his expression serious, "I really do."

My smile widened with excitement while the butterflies in my chest and stomach flourished, "I would love nothing more."

The corners of his lips tugged into a perfect grin as he leaned down once again. I leaned upwards on my toes to meet him half-way, our eyes closing as we waited for contact.

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