15-Fuck the Code

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(A/N I am so excited for this chapter, I really hope you all love it ♥️)

(y/n)'s POV
"So are you going to say anything or?" I finally spoke after five minutes of silence. I was sitting on the edge of his bed and he was leaning on the wall in front of me with his arms crossed.

He looked up to me from the floor and nodded, "First, how are you feeling?" He gestured to me with his gloved hand before dropping it down near his thigh.

I sighed, "I'm fine Anakin, like you said, I need rest." I think.. I'm not sure what's been happening to me lately, I'll have to talk to Master Yoda again, "But before you start, I have to ask, what was Padme doing in here with you?"

He knitted his brows together, "How did you know she was here?"

I rolled my eyes, that's not the point Skywalker, "I came over to talk to you. She answered the door and well it kind of looked like-"

He sighed with an eye roll that cut me off, "Nothing happened with her if that's what you're thinking, I didn't even know she was in here until I was out of the shower. She said she wanted to catch up with me, but I told her I had more important things to do." He half-smiled at me.

I nodded with a smile of my own, believing him, "Alright so, tell me what happened that day."

He sighed again and pushed himself off of the wall. He walked over to the bed and sat down next to me while playing with his fingers, "I was on my way to the training room that day to tell you that I had feelings for you," He admitted as he turned his head to look at me and my eyes widened in surprise, he.. he did have feelings for me? "That's when I saw you with Brian." He snorted as he pressed his lips in a straight line and looked down, "So, naturally, I was heartbroken and I couldn't handle being in love with my best friend when she didn't love me back. So I pushed you away, to protect myself." He was looking at me now, waiting for a response.

I had no words, I was upset, I was hurt, I was happy that he actually did feel things for me, but most of all, I was furious, "Thats why?" I shouted as I stood up and turned around to look down on him, "Thats fucking why Skywalker?" I used the force to throw his alarm clock at him and it hit roughly against his bicep.

"Hey what the fuck!" He stood up and I backed away from him.

"You son of a bitch, you treated me like shit for seven years over a kiss?" I pushed onto his chest and he stumbled back, he was glaring at me angrily due to my actions, "All your dumbass had to do was talk to me!"

"Why would I talk to you after I saw that?" He snapped.

"To learn the truth you fucking moron!" I pushed against him again but this time he gripped my wrists to stop me, "If you would have came to talk to me, then I would have told you that I was in love with you too. That I didn't even want that kiss and  I had wished that it was with you. But no, you decided to be a stupid child!" I tried pulling my wrists out of his grip, because all I wanted to do was hit him again. Seven years, seven whole damn years we could have had something..

"What did you just say?" He asked and I stopped moving to look into his eyes. There was no more anger there, it was replaced by something much softer, "You loved me?" He asked like it was something he never expected to be true.

I nodded, "Yeah I did, but then you broke my heart and for nothing it seems." I finally pulled myself out of his grip and turned to walk away from him, "I'm out of here, I don't want anything to do with you." I began to walk towards his door to leave. I can't believe this was the reason, you would think I murdered his whole family or something by the way he treated me

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