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3 weeks later

(y/n)'s POV
"How does it feel to be back General?" Max asked as he shot a droids head clean off and I sliced through three in the same amount of time.

I smirked, "Amazing of course." I deflected a shot that was aimed right for him and it flew back into the droid; knocking it to the ground, "Watch your six Captain." I winked as he gave me a look of appreciation for saving his life, probably for the hundredth time.

How they survived without me for almost two months is beyond me. But luckily they did, I missed my boys.

I leapt forward and took out more droids in record time. I was feeling good, I was feeling free.

My mind is clear, I've had no hallucinations, I haven't heard any voices, I'm finally back in the field with my battalion, and I'm engaged to a man that you only think exists in fairytales.

I don't see how it could get any better than this.

As soon as this mission is over, I'm excited to get back home to him, it's been two days and I already feel like I'm going crazy without him.

Cutting me out of my thoughts, I felt a body push against me and drop me to the ground, only for a blaster shot to fly right past where I was, "Watch your six General." Max smirked at me with a wink as he stood up and pulled me up with him.

"Thanks Captain." I sighed with relief, maybe I should get lost in my thoughts when I'm in the middle of a battle.

"Now were even." He shrugged.

I chuckled as I shook my head, "Were not even close to being even."

"I think our work here is done boys!" I shouted through the field of dismembered droids.

I do however, find it to be strange that the droids attacked a random village on Alderaan. There was no General present and no clear motive, unless the motive was to kill innocent people for no reason. But there really wasn't anything special about this village, it was a completely random attack. But then again, Dooku is known for being cruel so I wouldn't be surprised if he did this just to be a dick.

We got onto the ship to go home and I contacted the council to inform them of my success on eliminating the threat.

Master Yoda was happy to hear from me, he was worried about me coming back out here, he thought it was too soon. But after some fake crying, I eventually got my way. I love my Master, but he's too easy when it comes to me, I swear his soft spot for me is going to be the end of him.

After I ended the call, I sat down on the floor with a heavy sigh, "You alright there General?" Jimmy questioned as him and Max both sat next to me on the cold floor.

I nodded as I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, "I'm fine, just a little out of shape is all from being out for so long." I chuckled at my tiredness.

"That's a surprise, you would think that General Skywalker kept up your cardio." Jimmy snorted and I shot my eyes open as I smacked him on the arm while giving him an annoyed glare.

He chuckled in response, "I'm kidding, but seriously how is everything going?" He asked as he sat criss-cross and eyed me with curiosity while resting his head in one hand.

I dropped my annoyed expression and replaced it with a joyful one, "Perfect." I smiled as I brought my hands up and traced my fingers along the ring he got me; I was currently wearing it around my neck since wearing it on my hand would look suspicious to the council. I usually keep it tucked in my shirt when I'm around them.

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