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(A/N. I just wanted to say that I do know that Yoda originally wouldn't agree with attachments, but for this book I wanted to give him more of a fun, lighthearted attitude. I also feel this is how he would be if he truly did have you as a padawan that he grew to love💕)

Obi-Wan's POV
Master Yoda and I walked along the halls of the temple to go say goodbye to our former Padawans. They were about to leave for their undercover mission to Scipio,"How do you think it will go?" I questioned with slight concern, I didn't need Anakin coming back home with another scar. I still don't know how the first one happened, they both refused to tell us.

"Unsure I am." He sighed, probably thinking the same thing I was, "From them, many emotions I sense." He tapped his cane along the carpeted floor as he continued walking with me.

I huffed with a small eye roll, "You got that right," And it sure as hell wasn't hate either, "I still think I'll win." I smirked down at him. We have a small bet on who will make the first move, I think it will be Anakin and he thinks it will be (y/n).

He shook his head with a small chuckle,"Forbidden attachment they have, but inevitable it has become," He shrugged. Never in my years did I ever think I would see Master Yoda be lenient with the code. But wether he will admit it or not, he is also guilty of an attachment, to her specifically. I still remember how upset he was when she was taken by the pirates, it completely devastated him. I know all he wants is for her to be happy and I feel the same for Anakin, "My padawan I know, her it will be."

I shook my head with another smirk, "I don't know, you didn't see what I saw yesterday. Anakin was this close, but Master Windu popped out of nowhere and ruined the whole thing." I rolled my eyes at the memory, I was still mad.

He laughed, "Fate it was not. Win I will."


(y/n)'s POV
I slowly opened my eyes and I still felt groggy from just waking up. I laid on my back and stared up at the ceiling for a moment, I wanted to give myself time to fully wake before trying to get up and do anything. I turned my head to the right to see Anakin still sleeping, hugging the pillow that was separating us.

I came over not long after he told me I could. It's not like anything happened either, I just really wanted to. Not that I would admit that to him, he thinks I had another nightmare. But in reality, I liked being in here. I didn't understand why, he drives me insane and he hurts my feelings more than anyone. But at the same time, he made me feel a certain way. Even when we're arguing I can feel it, it gives me a rush.

I turned my head to the left and checked the time and immediately jumped up; tossing the blanket off of me, "Anakin wake up!" I shouted as I picked up my pillow and hit him with it.

He groaned and covered his face with the blanket, "Five more minutes."

I hit him again and he brought the blanket down to glare at me, "We lost the ability to have five more minutes, twenty minutes ago." I informed him and his eyes widened as he jumped up the same way I did. I rushed to the door, "I'll meet you in the hallway in two minutes."

I left his room and of course I ran into Max, "Oh General, we have to stop meeting like this." He smirked, I'd argue, but I truly don't have the time.

"Not at all what it looks like!" I snapped as I ran past him and into my room to get changed. I first went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and I tossed my hair into a ponytail. I was told there was going to be everything I needed for the party, on the ship, so for now I was going to put on my robes.

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