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(y/n)'s POV
Shmi turned around once Beru had the dress properly pinned on. I smiled as I gazed on her appearance, "You look so beautiful." I squealed with excitement. I wonder if I'm ever going to get to have a day like this one.

Her eyes widened once she looked from herself to me, "Me?" She walked over to me and eyed the dress I had on, "Look at you, Anakin is going to die when he sees you in this." She beamed and a blush rose to my cheeks.

"Thank you Shmi." I responded shyly.

"You know, now that I'm all ready, I think we can have a little chat," She gestured for me to sit with her in a pair of chairs. Beru silently followed and sat down with us, "I just wanted to say how happy I am that Ani has found love with someone like you." Any nervousness that I had before was gone now. Shmi has been nothing but sweet to me since the moment I arrived, I was freaking out for no reason at all.

I smiled lovingly, "And I'm happy to have found love with someone like him, he really is the most amazing man I've ever known."

She smiled as she reached over and placed a hand on mine, "All I ever wanted was for him to have something better than what he had here. Then when the Jedi took him, as much as it pained me, I knew he would have a much better life. But, I didn't exactly agree with some of their beliefs," She sighed as she took her hand from mine and leaned her back against the chair, "I didn't like the idea of him closing himself off from attachments and love. Love is one of the most beautiful things to come out of life, and I always knew someone like him, deserved to be in love and to be loved in return."

I nodded with a smile, "I couldn't agree more." I could feel myself starting to get emotional from her words. She reminded me a lot of Master Yoda right now, all they truly care about was the happiness for their children.

"So to know that he has you, it makes me happier than you will ever know. I wanted to thank you for giving my son the love that he always deserved." A small tear escaped her eye. Beru immediately stood up and started fanning her to stop her from ruining her makeup, we both chuckled at her efforts.

"I promise, I will always love him Shmi, I've loved him since the moment I laid eyes on him." I smiled and I started to feel a tear come out of my eye as well, "Damn it." I started fanning myself now and Shmi shook her head with a chuckle.

She leaned forward again, "So shall we talk about grandchildren?" She smirked and my eyes widened.

"Mom!" Anakin's voice filled the room causing all of us jump, we all turned to face him and his jaw was almost to the floor, "We've been together for less than two months, it is way too early for that conversation." He complained as he still held a look of disbelief towards his mother.

She playfully rolled her eyes at him, "The length of your relationship means nothing, my son. Especially since you two have been in love for much longer than that." She shrugged as she stood up, "So how do I look?" She smiled as she changed the subject, thankfully, baby talk is not something I want to have right now.

"You look beautiful mother." He responded with a grin, then his gazed turned to me, "You on the other hand," He walked over to me and grabbed my hands to pull me up to my feet. I stood up and his eyes gazed adoringly into mine, "I see you everyday and yet, your beauty never ceases to amaze me." He used his thumb to gently rub along my jawline. I swear my stomach did a somersault. How can it be possible to love someone this much?

"Wow why can't Owen say things like that." Beru spoke up for the first time since we've been in this room.

"Or Cliegg. I think we should find new men." Shmi joked causing all of us to laugh with her.

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