55-Save You

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Anakin's POV
I continued humming softly as (y/n) slept in my embrace. I finally got her to fall asleep, it wasn't easy and I had to soothe her until she stopped crying, but her breathing eventually softened and she was at long last, getting the rest she desperately needed.

"A lot to explain, you have." Yoda spoke quietly from next to me as he gazed down at his sleeping daughter with concern, and also love. It was still him and Obi-Wan in here with us, Cal and Ahsoka left for bed about half an hour ago since it was already two in the morning. They were upset that they didn't get to have any time with her, but they understood.

I sighed with a slow nod, "I'm sorry I didn't tell either of you, but it was her secret and I wasn't sure what you would have done." I looked more to Obi-Wan than Yoda. I doubt Yoda would turn his own daughter in, but I wasn't sure too what my decision my old master would have came up with.

"An innocent woman is sitting in a jail cell Anakin," Obi-Wan scolded me as he glanced down to (y/n) with uncertainty in his eyes.

"Don't look at her like that," I snapped quietly through gritted teeth, "It's not her fault, none of this is. She's just scared." I tightened my hold on her, but not tight enough to disturb her slumber.

His eyes immediately held guilt as he looked away from us and to the floor, "You're right, I apologize, but what are we going to do about this. We can't let Master Ti sit there the rest of her life for something she didn't do."

Yoda hummed in agreement to get both of our attention, "Take down the manipulator we must. Their fault for Dooku it is, not hers." He stepped closer to (y/n) and placed a hand on her head as he closed his eyes. They squinted every few moments or so as he allowed himself into her mind, going slow as to not hurt or disturb her, "Using force illusions to scare her they are." He opened his eyes and removed his hand from her forehead.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, "What are force illusions?" I never did pay attention to my studies, Obi-Wan is probably silently cursing at me right now for not knowing.

My old master sighed disappointedly, as expected, "They're hallucinations brought on by the force. With enough power and skill, the manipulator can create hallucinations that look and sound as real as I am to you right now."

I nodded to show I understood, it actually makes perfect sense. It explains the voices and the vivid images she's been seeing, "So it has to be a Sith. We need to keep her safe and keep them out of her head until we can figure out if my theory on who it is, is correct." Just as soon as I get that fucking flash drive, I'm going to place a call to Tech tomorrow and see if he can speed things up. I no longer have time to spare anymore, I need the truth now.

"Still think it's Palpatine do you?" Yoda asked me curiously.

I nodded confidently, "I've never trusted him, something about him has always felt off to me, and not to mention, most of this started around the time he decided to pop into her life. So yes I do, and I promise I'll have my proof soon."

"Good," Obi-Wan was the next to speak up, "He is the Chancellor, a powerful man. If we're going to accuse him of anything, we have to have proof or risk being thrown in jail for treason." He sighed as he crossed his arms and leaned against the back wall in thought.

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