47-Metaphorically Speaking

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It's still Tuesday for me hehe so here's another update 😏

Anakin's POV
"Anakin!" Obi-Wan shouted for my help.

I leaned against the wall and shook my head while I took a bite from the biscuit that Ahsoka gave me when we returned. She said I had a habit of being famished after missions, and she's not wrong, "Nope, I'm not helping." I spoke with my mouth semi-full as Obi-Wan continued holding (y/n) back from attacking Mace. I honestly think he should let her so what she wants, Mace deserves it, especially after the condition we found Cal in.. that poor child.

He's in the medical bay right now and Ahsoka is currently by his side, so at least he's not alone while we're in here. And I'm sure Ahsoka's going to stay there until he's finally released. Which shouldn't be more than a few days, they gave him all the nutrients he was lacking, and his wounds were bandaged and medicated before they reached infection. He's mostly there just to be monitored now, he was a strong kid.

And the connection him and (y/n) shared was something I truly admired. I believe if he chooses to stay in the order after this, it'll be specifically for her, that kid would follow her into hell if he could; metaphorically speaking.

"He could have died!" My fiancé shouted in a rage as she fought against Obi-Wan's hold, he looked like he was finally about to give up from the exhaustion.

"Want one?" I held the extra biscuit I had down to Yoda who was standing next to me; casually watching the events take place just as I was.

He nodded immediately and accepted it from my hand, "Hungry I am. Long day it has been."

"You two are the worst!"

My future father-in-law and I both took a bite at the same time while continuing to watch the entertaining events unfold.

(y/n)'s POV
I growled in annoyance as Kenobi pulled me closer to him so I wouldn't rip Mace a new asshole, "Let go of me Obi-Wan or Satine won't have a single thing to play with on your next visit." I mumbled my threat so only he could hear me.

His eyes widened and he immediately released his hold, "Anakin do you have anymore?" He walked towards Anakin nonchalantly to save his manhood.

Smart choice Obi-Wan, smart choice.

I turned my head to glare angrily at Mace who was eyeing me like I was insane, "You have too much anger you-"

I raised my hand and sealed his mouth shut, "I don't want to hear your shit." I stepped closer to him while he began to breathe heavily through his nose. A few of the council members shifted uncomfortably in their seats due to my frowned upon actions, "Throwing me to slavers is something I can get over, it's me and I can handle my own just fine. But Cal? He's a fucking kid Windu." I released my hold so he could now open his mouth, but I instantly used my raised hand to slap him across his face.

Shocked gasps echoed in the room, except for a single 'nice' coming from Anakin. Mace turned his head to look at me in surprise, but also deep anger, "How dare-"

I slapped him again, but harder, "I have every right to be angry without any repercussions," I snapped, "My padawan is in a hospital bed after being tortured because of you, you're lucky a few slaps is all I gave you." I spoke through gritted teeth. I was doing my absolute best to remain in control, I can't exactly snap his neck in front of the council, even though that's exactly what I would like to do, "You know, he thought you gave him that necklace because you actually liked him? He thought you were being nice, but it turns out you were being a deceiving snake." I went to slap him again, but this time he caught my wrist and squeezed it painfully.

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