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4 days later

Anakin's POV
I held a half empty bottle of vodka in my hand as I leaned up on my headboard. I was staring at the wall as the sight of finding her on the floor, covered in her own blood; haunted my mind.

I couldn't stop hearing the sounds of my own screams when I thought I was going to lose her. I couldn't stop hearing the sound Yoda's whimpers when he saw what she had done. Everyone was broken by it, everyone cried.

My swollen eyes watered for the hundredth as I brought the bottle to my lips and took a drink. Mid-swallow, there was a knock on the door and I waved my hand to open it, knowing exactly who it was already.

Obi-Wan walked in and I didn't need to look at him to know he was holding a sympathetic look for me. It's the only expression I've seen on anyone these past few days, "How are you doing?"

I shrugged as I took another drink, I quickly swallowed the burning liquid before speaking, "My fiancé tried to kill herself on our wedding day and now she's stuck in a mental institution on suicide watch; how do you think I'm doing?" I gripped the bottle tight and threw it against the wall; causing it to shatter and the liquid seeped down the wall.

"Anakin I'm so sor-"

"What did I do Obi-Wan?" I pulled my knees to my chest and ran my hands through my hair in frustration, "What did I do wrong?" My voice cracked as I broke into a sob.

I felt him come next to me and place a hand comfortingly on my shoulder, "You didn't do anything wrong, she's sick, they think she's been sick for awhile."

I lifted my head up from my knees to meet his gaze, "That makes it so much worse, how could I have missed this? This whole time I thought she was happy and I dismissed her odd behavior thinking it was just because of-" I stopped myself from revealing her secret to Obi-Wan, "Lady hormones." I added as a save and judging by his face, he bought it.

He sighed sadly, "We all missed it, so please don't blame yourself." He tried convincing me, but I was having a hard time not blaming myself. I'm her fiancé, I'm with her more than anyone.. if anyone should have seen the signs, it's me, "Has she said anything to you when you go see her?"

I shook my head as I picked at the bed sheets, "She hardly speaks, I'm lucky if she says more that two words at a time." My heart felt like it was breaking just by the mere thought of whatever pain she may be going through right now.

I laid my cheek against my knees and used my clothing to wipe my tears away. I hate seeing her in that place, but Master Yoda is insisting she stays there until we get a better understanding on what's wrong with her. I don't disagree with him, but at the same time, she looks absolutely miserable there and it makes me want to take her out.

But then there's this fear in the back of my mind that tells me she'll just do it again, and next time, I might not be around to help her.

I sighed as I got off of the bed to change my clothes and wash up so I didn't show up to the hospital smelling like alcohol, "Are you going to see her again?" Obi-Wan asked as he stood up from the bed.

I nodded without giving him a glance, "I go at the same time everyday, she'll be expecting me." I opened the door to the bathroom so I could brush my teeth.

"I orinigally came here because the council-"

"Tell them I said to go fuck themselves." I gave him the same response I've been giving him for the past few days, every time the council tries going through him to talk to me.

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